My Dogs - Arlo First

Lovely to meet your dogs! They both look great! Arlo looks like a rolling around bundle of fun and Princess is really beautiful! Her name suits her. I'm not even sure what a rat terrier is :) But I know greyhounds make wonderful pets and are affectionate.

Keeper looks sweet in this picture. We call her "Denise the Menace". She dug up my garden, so I bought her a harness and connected two dog cables together. She cannot now reach my cultivated area.
Lovely photo - dogs can be terrible for digging up gardens! The problem I have as wild rabbits eating everything :rolleyes:
Lucy JTish with us 18 years and 6 weeks we still miss her every day even after 4 years. Pete has a huge hole in our hearts to try to fill he does his best little stinker but Lucy was just perfect in every way just perfect in every way.

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Lucy was gorgeous. So hard. I'm glad Pete is filling some of the hole.