My hamster doesn’t like anyone else near the cage


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Hi there! I’m Saffy and I have a year and a half old hamster called Atreus. But I call him Buddy mostly. He has the most beautiful white coat and is the kindest hamster you’d ever meet. I have had this concern lately that he doesn’t like anyone else close to the cage or coming out of the cage.

Me and my sister were moving rooms, and for the time being he was sleeping with her before I moved him over. He bit the bars the whole time, which he hasn’t done since I got him, and he was very active. I have an over 100 x 50 cm wooden and glass tank with metal bars only at the top opening. It’s quite huge and has a huge open floor base, impossible to clean out lol. He sleeps all the time, most of the day and night, comes out on his wheel at 2-3am till 7am and runs around usually with me. I can hear him sniffling so I usually go say hi and give him a little treat. He comes into my hand so I always thought he was very happy.

But he took chunks out of the wood of the cage the entire time with my sister that I had to move him through rather fast in the middle of the night as my sister is pregnant and couldn’t sleep. As soon as he was in my room, he didn’t bite the bars once. Despite it being a new room, it was very strange. He sat at the bottom of his cage shaking and staring at me and it worried me a little. I am meaning to ask if that is normal?

My sister said it’s because he doesn’t get out of his cage much. I was unsure as he is fine with me. I don’t bring him out much as he bites and chews out his playpen, which is a lot bigger than his cage and has more chew toys and activities, but he never is interested in anything I buy no matter how big or so. He doesn’t eat in front of people, he likes to store things. So I decided to make my bedroom floor safe for him and let him run around my room for more open space to play, but he would hide in a corner, store all of his droppings into a huge pile and not come out unless I fished him out. When I catch him he is always sleeping, so I stopped play time as much

I wanted to know a good way to bring him out of his cage more? He sleeps all the time and is only up early hours, but even then, he just likes to sit on his own and eat or make tunnels.
Hello and welcome :-) Buddy sounds adorable! Any change of environment, eg moving the enclosure to a different room, can stress a hamster out. So that's probably the main issue. Ideally the enclosure just stays in the same place all the time. It will have been different scents and all sorts. They are very sensitive to change of environment. He might have thought you had left him or something if he's used to your presence.

Glad he's settled down now. It's common for them to only come out after lights out, but you can kind of "train" them to get up earlier with a feeding routine say 6 or 7pm at the same time each night, and make a bit of noise when you put the food out. Do you give a bit of fresh veg daily? They usually get into the habit of waking up when they smell the veg being put out earlier in the evening. I often put the veg at the opposite side of the cage to where they sleep on a separate little dish (on a platform eg) so they have to actually get up and cross the cage to get it. That can be a time to offer them a tube or taxi (on the way back from the veg) for out of cage time and they then soon get in the habit of coming out for out of cage time.

They do vary - some will wake earlier than others and want to come out when they get used to it. Ive found with some hamsters, the time of night can make a difference as well. With one of mine, if I got him out between 6pm and 7pm he was superfast and not very handleable. But between 8 and 9pm he was slower and more dopey and would actually go to sleep on my knee. Once it got to 10pm he was superfast and not interested in being handled again.

Hope that helps a bit! I'd try the routine of feeding and a bit of cage noise maybe about 7pm and when he gets used to it, offer him a tube to walk back to on the way back to his nesting area and you can lift him out and into a secure hamsterproof area in the room or playpen.