My hamster is always sleeping


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I have a Syrian hamster and I’ve been a bit concerned because he’s been sleeping a lot almost all the time and he only leaves his nest for food and water should this be something to be concerned about? It is winter here but the room is heated at almost all times
Hello & welcome to the forum.

They do sometimes sleep a lot more in winter.
How old is your hamster?
Very young hamsters that are just settling in may appear to sleep a lot as they just hide & old hamsters do sleep a lot so it would help to have an idea of your hamsters age.
Is this a new behaviour or has it been like this for a while?
hiii and thank youu

He’s about 4 months old according to the person I bought him from but he does seem a bit older maybe 6-8 months? And no this is pretty new although he is still pretty active when he comes out,I’ve also noticed he’s been sneezing a bit too
It won’t be an age thing then.
It could still be due to the time of year but the sneezing is a bit of a concern.
Have you put anything new in the cage that could be a bit dusty like different substrate or sand?
He may be unwell with some kind of respiratory infection so if he continues to sneeze & it isn’t related to dust or anything new he could have an allergy to it would be best to get him checked by a vet just in case.
Is he eating normally?
I haven’t put anything new into the tank since I got him and he was fine then and no I don’t have any sand or substrate, he's been eating perfectly fine and drinking too, there aren’t any vets where I live that work would hamsters so I don’t think that’s and option for me
If he's sneezing and sleeping a lot it does sound like he may have picked up a virus. Do you know if he comes out at night at all and uses his wheel? You could try putting a bit of substrate on top of his wheel before you go to bed and see if it's gone in the morning. Some of us use nightcams.

If he's not up and about at night or using his wheel then I'd suggest a vet visit in case he needs treatment. They can go downhill very quickly.
What cage is your hamster in? I was just wondering if he has much to do in his cage. On your avatar photo, it does look like his wheel might be a bit small. If the wheel is too small it can be uncomfortable for their back and he might not use it then.
If he's sneezing and sleeping a lot it does sound like he may have picked up a virus. Do you know if he comes out at night at all and uses his wheel? You could try putting a bit of substrate on top of his wheel before you go to bed and see if it's gone in the morning. Some of us use nightcams.

If he's not up and about at night or using his wheel then I'd suggest a vet visit in case he needs treatment. They can go downhill very quickly.
He doesn’t sneeze a lot just every now and then and yeah no he does wake up at night and he does use his wheel I even take him out sometimes and he’s pretty active but throughout the entirety of the day he’s asleep
What cage is your hamster in? I was just wondering if he has much to do in his cage. On your avatar photo, it does look like his wheel might be a bit small. If the wheel is too small it can be uncomfortable for their back and he might not use it then.
He’s in a 10 gallon tank right now and it has a decent amount of toys and yeah the wheel is definitely on the smaller side and though he’s been using it I’m worried he’ll still hurt himself somehow so I’ve been looking for a bigger one but it’s been almost impossible to find one here so I’ll either get one made or get it from abroad
He’s in a 10 gallon tank right now and it has a decent amount of toys and yeah the wheel is definitely on the smaller side and though he’s been using it I’m worried he’ll still hurt himself somehow so I’ve been looking for a bigger one but it’s been almost impossible to find one here so I’ll either get one made or get it from abroad
The minimum tank size is 75 gallons so 10 gallons is small for him. Would you like to say which country you are in? It will help with any recommendations. :)
The minimum tank size is 75 gallons so 10 gallons is small for him. Would you like to say which country you are in? It will help with any recommendations. :)
I’m in Pakistan so it’s difficult to find a lot of things (hamster related), but I’ll try getting a bigger tank custom made and I can’t find bedding here so I have to hand cut it every time so I’d really appreciate any suggestions on bedding that’s easier to make but still safe
It may be a lot of hard work for you, but all hamsters love torn up strips of basic while toilet paper, not the thicker quilted variety. Then the hamster can pouch it easily and take it away to build their own nest. Filling a whole tank might not be possible for you but it is ideal nesting material.
I’m in Pakistan so it’s difficult to find a lot of things (hamster related), but I’ll try getting a bigger tank custom made and I can’t find bedding here so I have to hand cut it every time so I’d really appreciate any suggestions on bedding that’s easier to make but still safe
Thank you for saying which country you are in. I understand how difficult it is to get hamster stuff. Is this of any use for you?

I think this wheel can be shipped to Pakistan and it is the right size for your hamster. I apologise if it is unsuitable.

Making your own hamster enclosure sounds like the best option. We have a link to safe and unsafe wood if you are thinking of making it out of wood.
Hi. Yes it can be very difficult to get good hamster stuff in some countries. It's not that easy in the Uk either! A lot of people rely on custom built cages, but we are lucky there are about 4 or 5 decent sized barred cages available.

If diy is an option, then the cheapest option, if you have an Ikea, is to get two 78cm Samla storage bins, cut one end off each of them so you can join them together, and then hot glue them together to make one longer bin :) Otherwise, maybe the biggest plastic storage bin you can get. It would also need a panel cutting at the front at least, and mesh putting there for ventilation. Also a lid could be tricky - you'd probably have to cut the ends of both lids and hot glue them as well and then cut the panels out of the lids and mesh them.

Bin cages can be a cheap option, but the downside is needing a few tools to make it. I'm not sure how hot glueing works. Meshing them is not too difficult - you'd need to punch holes and use cable ties and possibly some masking tape on the outside. Cutting the plastic panels to mesh them can be tricky to ensure they don't crack - I think even heating a pen knife might work - if done safely! Or asking someone who has a hot knife.

Bigger tanks can be hard to get hold of and can be very expensive in some countries. You could look out for a second hand fish tank - they may be pretty grimy and need cleaning up inside first. Something 3feet or 4 feet long is good, providing it is deep enough and tall enough. So it would need to be at least 18" deep and 18" tall. Ideally 20" deep and 20" tall. Something like a 40 gallon breeder tank, if a 75 gallon tank isn't available.

Other than that it's making a diy cage. Again a lot of people rely on Ikea hacks.

The wheel rainbow linked would be fine but it might fill the tank.

It's really great that your hamster is out a lot with you at night :) Giving out of cage time will really help if he's in a small tank. It's perfectly normal for them to sleep all day though :) They are awake all night and asleep all day usually and often don't get up until midnight. You could get him in the habit of waking a bit earlier maybe, by putting food out around 7pm possibly, and making a little bit of noise in the cage while doing it. They can get in the habit of waking up at feeding time - especially if they can smell fresh raw veg!

As well as his hamster mix, a tiny bit of fresh veg each day (every 3 days for the first two weeks, then every day) is good for them. There's a safe veg list on the home page on here :)

I am looking forward to hearing more about your hammy and if there's anything we can help with, sourcing things, we will help :)
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Is there anything on this site that you can get? It's supposed to be ubuy for Pakistan. Not the small cages with tubes obviously, but there are some larger ones.

It may be a lot of hard work for you, but all hamsters love torn up strips of basic while toilet paper, not the thicker quilted variety. Then the hamster can pouch it easily and take it away to build their own nest. Filling a whole tank might not be possible for you but it is ideal nesting material.
As of right now I’ve been filling the entire tank with the toilet paper bedding which I’ve been cutting by hand so it’s fluffier and nicer and he does seem to really enjoy it
Thank you for saying which country you are in. I understand how difficult it is to get hamster stuff. Is this of any use for you?

I think this wheel can be shipped to Pakistan and it is the right size for your hamster. I apologise if it is unsuitable.

Making your own hamster enclosure sounds like the best option. We have a link to safe and unsafe wood if you are thinking of making it out of wood.
This wheel would honestly be perfect but the customs and shipping to here would make it pretty pricey I do however have some family in the uae right now and I found some bigger wheels there that are not as expensive so I’ll probably end up getting one of those but thank you so much for the help!!!
Is there anything on this site that you can get? It's supposed to be ubuy for Pakistan. Not the small cages with tubes obviously, but there are some larger ones.

This site seems great and it’s the first I’ve ever heard of it but it’s quite pricey like very expensive so I don’t know if that’ll work
Hi. Yes it can be very difficult to get good hamster stuff in some countries. It's not that easy in the Uk either! A lot of people rely on custom built cages, but we are lucky there are about 4 or 5 decent sized barred cages available.

If diy is an option, then the cheapest option, if you have an Ikea, is to get two 78cm Samla storage bins, cut one end off each of them so you can join them together, and then hot glue them together to make one longer bin :) Otherwise, maybe the biggest plastic storage bin you can get. It would also need a panel cutting at the front at least, and mesh putting there for ventilation. Also a lid could be tricky - you'd probably have to cut the ends of both lids and hot glue them as well and then cut the panels out of the lids and mesh them.

Bin cages can be a cheap option, but the downside is needing a few tools to make it. I'm not sure how hot glueing works. Meshing them is not too difficult - you'd need to punch holes and use cable ties and possibly some masking tape on the outside. Cutting the plastic panels to mesh them can be tricky to ensure they don't crack - I think even heating a pen knife might work - if done safely! Or asking someone who has a hot knife.

Bigger tanks can be hard to get hold of and can be very expensive in some countries. You could look out for a second hand fish tank - they may be pretty grimy and need cleaning up inside first. Something 3feet or 4 feet long is good, providing it is deep enough and tall enough. So it would need to be at least 18" deep and 18" tall. Ideally 20" deep and 20" tall. Something like a 40 gallon breeder tank, if a 75 gallon tank isn't available.

Other than that it's making a diy cage. Again a lot of people rely on Ikea hacks.

The wheel rainbow linked would be fine but it might fill the tank.

It's really great that your hamster is out a lot with you at night :) Giving out of cage time will really help if he's in a small tank. It's perfectly normal for them to sleep all day though :) They are awake all night and asleep all day usually and often don't get up until midnight. You could get him in the habit of waking a bit earlier maybe, by putting food out around 7pm possibly, and making a little bit of noise in the cage while doing it. They can get in the habit of waking up at feeding time - especially if they can smell fresh raw veg!

As well as his hamster mix, a tiny bit of fresh veg each day (every 3 days for the first two weeks, then every day) is good for them. There's a safe veg list on the home page on here :)

I am looking forward to hearing more about your hammy and if there's anything we can help with, sourcing things, we will help :)
Ohhhhh that sounds like a great idea I was definitely thinking about going with a bin cage because they’re easy to find here and not as expensive although I do have 2 older tanks that I think would be perfect if joined together so I’ll take them to a store soon and see if I can get that done, and yeah I do try to give him fresh vegetables as often as I can,I’ll do an update on the tank and all as soon as I can get to working on them and again thank you all so much for the help I really appreciate it!!
Yes I wasn't sure what those prices were like as they're in a different currency :-) It would probably be cheaper to make a bin cage or find a used fish tank. Although you'd also need to make a lid for a tank.