My hamster is coming out during the day?


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Is it normal for my hamster to come out during the day? He’s a male Syrian, I adopted so I think he’s about a year and a half old. He comes out during the night, too, and is very active, but ever since I added a hanging chew toy, he comes out often during the day. Is this normal? Is he just adjusting to my schedule? I’ve had him for about three months now.
Hello and welcome to the forum. Some hamsters do come out in the day and it sounds like your hamster loves his new chew toy and wants to come out to use it. :)
Thank you! I’m really excited to be here- I tried to join a few years ago but I couldn’t for some reason.
Hello and welcome. What species of hamster do you have? :-)
Hi and welcome to the forum. What is your hamster called? As you’ve had him around 3 months he is likely feeling settled and if he can hear you in the day, perhaps he’s inquisitive and popping out to see what’s going on or it maybe he really likes the new chew toy and is checking it’s still there. If it wasn’t attached, you may find he’d take it off to his nest for safe keeping.
Hello & welcome to the forum.
Hamster behaviour can vary a lot, most Syrian hamsters do tend to stay in their houses during the day but some will be out & about.
It sounds as though he’s enjoying himself with his chew!
Welcome you will find lots of helpful information here hamsters can be as varied as people so comments will also be varied sure it won't take long for you know what is right for your Wally
Yes, sometimes they'll come out during the day. Little Bear comes out for water sometimes (not for food, he has hoards under his bedding. I like to call them his pantries) and whenever he's out and I'm walking by, I'll hand him a treat. He'll normally take it then go nibble on his wheat spray then scurries back under.

What they are doing is fine. Although, if he starts coming out during the day all day instead of at night, you've either got a very unique hamster or something else to worry about. :)