My hamster is making strange noises


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Hello, my hamster has been breathing like this since the morning. I threw it away last night because his house started to smell very bad. Is he doing it because he is upset? I don't understand whether sawdust got into his nose or whether he is sick. I am very scared. He is still active and eats, but why did he start doing this? :(( video in link
Hello. He doesn’t look very well. At first it sounded a bit like sneezing or hiccuping but there is a wheeze there as well and he really needs to see a vet as soon as possible and probably needs antibiotics for a respiratory infection. These things can get worse very quickly so the sooner you can take him to the vet, the better.

How old is he? Also is that his cage he’s in? A bin cage presumably - it does look quite small. Does the lid have full mesh for ventilation? Hansters do need a lot of ventilation as they have sensitive respiratory tracts.

He did have a good yawn there 😊. But he is looking quite dishevelled as well.

Hope you can get a vet appointment.

If it turns out his enclosure is unsuitable, I’m sure we can help suggesting something that works for both of you.
I agree with Maz and think he's looking poorly here, I'd try to obtain a vets appt so they can check him over and give you some advice as a course of antibiotics may do the trick. It's always difficult when our pets are doing something they wouldn't normally. Perhaps you can let us know how you get on. Wishing him well, he looks very cute.