My hamster keeps giving birth and I have no idea how


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I purchased 2 hamsters after being told they were both boys. A while after, I noticed one of them were developing the way a female would and placed the two in separate cages (they were in one very big cage at first, and it was my first time keeping hamsters). Unfortunately the female gave birth to its first litter of 5

After that I separated the males into one cage and the females got their own cages because I found out the femes would fight A LOT while the males seemed okay with each other. I was planning to give them all separate cages, but all the baby hamsters in the first litter died very suddenly (like waking up in the morning and just having one dead). And then the female gave birth AGAIN to another litter of 5.

The female hamster had managed to escape its cage a couple of times because while separating the sudden babies I had to make-do with makeshift cages (such as old reptile enclosures) until I could get a proper cage, however I have never actually seen it interact with the male. The hamsters in this litter are all separated and living very well. I ensured that the female hamster’s cage was inescapable with high walls AND a lid, which none of the other hamsters needed. All the females are kept on a table while the males are in cages on the floor. Then she gave birth to yet another litter of 6.

I genuinely have no idea how this happened. I separated the baby hamsters as soon as they began eating the pellets and seeds they were given and the mother hamster (nor the father hamster) never managed to escape their cage, not even once. Can female hamsters store sperm and use it?? Can they give birth in portions?? What can I do to stop my hamster from giving birth, because I am NOT EQUIPPED to take care of any more?
Hi. I'm really sorry to hear you're having all this. I don't think anyone is equipped to deal with multiple litters. I suggest you contact your nearest rodent rescue and ask for help - they will probably take most of them in, sex them and rehome them.

What has probably happened is one of the male babies has impregnated the Mother before they were sexed and separated out. The male babies can do that from age 3 to 4 weeks, depending on the species. What species of hamster are they?

It's also not always that easy to sex some hamsters when they're very young and it maybe that one was mis-sexed as female when they were actually male. Pet shops do that all the time - as you know as you were sold a mis sexed pair.
Hi. I'm really sorry to hear you're having all this. I don't think anyone is equipped to deal with multiple litters. I suggest you contact your nearest rodent rescue and ask for help - they will probably take most of them in, sex them and rehome them.

What has probably happened is one of the male babies has impregnated the Mother before they were sexed and separated out. The male babies can do that from age 3 to 4 weeks, depending on the species. What species of hamster are they?

It's also not always that easy to sex some hamsters when they're very young and it maybe that one was mis-sexed as female when they were actually male. Pet shops do that all the time - as you know as you were sold a mis sexed pair.
They are dwarf hamsters. I am in southeast asia and I dont think there are any rodent rescues specifically in the area? I will try to look for one though.
That does make it difficult if there are no rodent rescues near you. What is the situation at the moment? Has the mother hamster just given birth again? Are you managing to find homes for the babies? It must be overwhelming as they only way to ensure no further pregnancies is for each hamster to be in a separate cage. While it is fine for boy babies to live together for a while, that only works if they are correctly sexed. And likewise with female babies - but yes they can fight and need separating. Ideally they are separated about 6 to 8 weeks old.

With hamster pregnancies the mother can get pregnant again the same day she gave birth so as long as there are no males in with her, that won't happen. Her babies can stay with her until they are 3 to 4 weeks old, but after 4 weeks there is a risk one of males could mate with her again.

Are you advertising them to find new homes for them? Also maybe ask a vet if they know of a rodent rescue that could help.
i am trying to find someone to adopt them on facebook communities my mom is in but i dont want to send them off to people with small plastic cages with tubes and slides (lots of them) and i havent received any offers from people with a decent cage yet.
It’s hard finding good homes for them isn’t it? Maybe in your advert you could put information about what the hanster needs and minimum cage size etc. Cages with tubes aren’t so bad if they are big enough and not those tiny ones.

Could you search for hamster rescues on Facebook as well?

It sounds like you’re doing a great job of looking after them all and just need to stop the pregnancies now. Has she just had another litter and if so how long ago?
It’s hard finding good homes for them isn’t it? Maybe in your advert you could put information about what the hanster needs and minimum cage size etc. Cages with tubes aren’t so bad if they are big enough and not those tiny ones.

Could you search for hamster rescues on Facebook as well?

It sounds like you’re doing a great job of looking after them all and just need to stop the pregnancies now. Has she just had another litter and if so how long ago?
Its only been around 2 months since her last litter, and she had a litter 2 months before that as well. Im very worried because it cant be good for her heatlh.
Hello, I just wanted to welcome you to the forum. I am very sorry for all that is happening with your hamsters. You are doing a wonderful job of caring for them all.
Its only been around 2 months since her last litter, and she had a litter 2 months before that as well. Im very worried because it cant be good for her heatlh.
It isn't good if she has too many litters, but she sounds to be doing fine and luckily no pregnancy complications. So has she actually just had another litter or she is pregnant? Just checking so we can give advice on sexing and when to separate them maybe.