My hamster sleeps all day


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I bought Syrian Hamster like 3 days ago. I name him Cookie.
On the very 1st day he was too hyperactive but after 1st day he becames very low and use to sleep for almost all day. I am quite concerned about him.
He is like 2 months old.

Please advise.
Hi Anu_Kaush
Welcome to the forum. It's common for hamsters to sleep and stay hidden during the day, so not necessarily anything to worry about. They are often most active at night. When you say he has become very low, can you give a little more information as to what you mean?
Cookie is a lovely name for a hamster, look forward to hearing more about him.
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Hi steve
Thanks for the response.
Yeah, by stating the word low I mean to say that is not that much active or playful. As hamsters loves to play around or active during the night but cookie sleeps all day.
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Hi Anu_Kaush,
There are more knowledgeable members here that I'm sure will also offer some advise soon, however as long as he is eating and drinking ok, and appears healthy when you do see him, I don't think there is anything to worry about. He is very new to his new home and it can take a couple of weeks for them to settle in, and build up a little confidence, so please don't worry if he starts off very shy and is not coming out during the day.
Do you have a camera you could set up to keep an eye on him overnight? A lot of members do that as their hamsters are so much more active overnight.
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Yeah Steve he is eating and drinking and appears healthy. I too believe that the place is new to him so it will take time. Just quite worried about the little cookie.

Thanks for your advise.
No problem Anu_Kaush.
If you are worried please always ask, there are so many helpful people here that will be happy to help, and also some great resources of information on various topics for great hamster care.
Hello and welcome.
I think Steve is probably right, it does take them a little while to settle in.
If he's drinking and eating, that's a good sign.
If he is active at night, but sleeping during the day that is normal.
My little girl wakes up later in the evening, has a little play time and then plays in her cage for a bit and goes back to sleep. Then she's awake again anytime after 12:30, and very active. She normally has her last drink around 5:30 in the morning, then back to sleep for the day.
You've had lots of good advice above. As you've only had him 3 days and he's probably still a baby, he's probably hiding away a bit. I just posted on your other thread about the adjustment time they need. The first day they are all excited exploring - then they freak a bit realising it's permanent and they need time to make it their own - scent mark everything, decide where to nest, and just adjust generally.

You could put a bit of substrate on top of his wheel before you go to bed and if it's gone in the morning, you know he's been up at night and using his wheel :-)