My pets


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Hello I’m new to this site and wanted to post some of the animals I own!

Bearded Dragon: Her name is pumpkin and I got her from an abuse case on Craigslist, the owner kept her in a 20 gallon tank she could barely fit in and she’s stunted now, the tank that’s in the photo is her new tank, it’s the first tank I’ve ever made (and yes I made the background too)

Pac Man Frog: They’re name is Eepy Deepy and I’ve had them for a few months now, they were bought from a pet store since nobody wanted them and it had been months (nobody wanted them cause they were to big), I’ve never owned a frog before but they’re doing pretty well

Leopard Gecko: His name is Nugget and I won him from a raffle on Instagram from a pretty good breeder, he’s very sassy and picky on what bugs he wants to eat, his enclosure is going to be upgraded when I have time and space.

Rats: Dumbo and Scarlet where adopted by me when they were babies, they are currently in a ferret cage (three stories tall), they were supposed to be feeder rats, they both got sick due to being bred in mills but overcame the sickness with a 60/50 chance they were going to die, I’ve had them for 2 years now.

Cats: It won’t let me post anymore pictures but I own two cats, both adopted from a rescue and as a bonded pair of sisters (let me know if you want pictures)

Others: I own a few tarantulas as well but I won’t post pictures since people are scared of them!


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Wow, that is a lot of pets :-) And their stories are all so interesting! And their names. They all look happy. Do you have a hamster as well?

You should be able to add more photos than that, but you can always add more in another post :-)

Edit - I've just seen your other post about your hamster!
I can add more pictures here! Forgot to mention me and my partner are also fostering some baby crested geckos (also an abuse case)


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Goodness, you have a zoo! :ROFLMAO: It must be very rewarding rescuing these pets. Main tip with a hamster is try and keep the enclosure in a different room from the cats. The presence of a cat can be quite stressful for a hamster, being a prey animal.
Yeah we definitely do! And don’t worry me and my partner are moving into a two bedroom soon so we have a room for the mammals!
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