Need advice!!!


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Hi, I have a Syrian hamster, 2 years old, and have noticed today a white spot/pimple on his balls/bum area. I am unsure what to do about this, is it best to take him to a vet. I am quite worried as he has never had any health issues before now, I know he is older, however i am just concerned about what this may be.
I have attached the best pictures I can get for now.
Please can anyone help me😩


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Hello and welcome - what a gorgeous hammy (what we can see of him :ROFLMAO: ). I can see the pimple on the first photo but not the second. But yes it would be best to get him checked at the vets to see if they can work out what it is. It might be something benign or it might not be and to be honest they might not know by looking at it, but what they often do is give a course of antibiotics and metacam (pain relief and anti inflammatory). If it goes away then it could have been an infected spot or something - eg pus filled. If it doesn't then it's a lump - but the metacam can help shrink lumps or slow them up from getting bigger - it's also pain relief and at two years old he might benefit from it - they can start getting arthritis, toothache and all sorts.

At a guess I'd say it's probably just a warty thing but it's best to get it checked out and it might be good for him to have metacam anyway.
Thankyou so much for your response! I really appreciate the advice. I think I will try and get round to the vet tomorrow just to be safe.
I have attached some other photos of my little teddy🩷





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Teddy is super cute, with such lovely colouring, great photos!

Hope you can get the little pimple looked at 😊
Gorgeous boy :-) I swear he's posing on that last photo :ROFLMAO: He looks loved and happy and healthy. We have another Teddy on here as well.
That's good to hear. Did the vet say if they knew what it was? Also did they give him any Metacam as well? :)
I noticed a bit of blood (only a small amount) on his private area, so they said that could be the result of a urinary tract infection, then the pimple thing they weren’t 100% sure but reckon it could just be the result of an infection also, as he is eating and drinking and behaving as normal.

We have been given Enrocare oral solution, which I’m nervous may be difficult, I have given him a first dose of it tonight just to try to get him used to it and the syringe. Hopefully all will be okay!
Enrocare is very similar to Baytril - both antibiotics :-) If it's like Baytril, it will taste nasty! If he takes it from the syringe that's good. It's a difficult one to disguise in food as they can still taste it in most things, but if you have any difficulties, you could try some strong flavoured beefy type food - like beef cat or dog food or even corned beef - just a pea sized amount on a little dish. I had that tip given to me years ago and it's always worked! It was a pouch of beefy dog food for small dogs that looked a bit like corned beef. It's important they get the dose daily though.
Luckily he has taken it from the syringe both last night and this morning, he very obviously doesn’t like the taste but I have been sure to give him a treat afterwards.
That’s really good! What a sweetie he is.