New 100cm cage with large front door!

Ooh that looks interesting! A great find. Shame it's not a bit cheaper. The Plaza 120 is also £100. But this is bigger than the standard plaza as it's 56cm deep. Or is it 49cm deep and 56cm tall? I think it means 56cm deep and 49cm tall though. And it has a couple of shelves and ladders.

I wonder who makes it.
It says Sky Pet Products at the bottom of that link. I'll add the cage to the cages list :-)
I looked up Sky Pet Products. Uk manufacturered. They sell bird cages and quite a few more rodent cages, which unfortunately are horrible little things. But as well as this Hammy Hamster cage they do a taller one as well but that's only 85cm. Underneath it says "Little Zoo" as a brand name maybe?
I think Sky Pet Products also own the Liberta brand as well as Little Zoo so they're quite well-established although not well-known. It seems like they also make the Mamble/Ricky/Jemima cages. I see their products in small local pet shops quite often (the colourful bendy bridges are very nice).

I'm assuming 56cm is the depth but it's not really clear.
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I thought Little Zoo sounded familiar. Very encouraging anyway as the only other 100cm uk made cages are lower and don't have a front opening door (eg the ones on Little Pet Warehouse).
When I see how restless Socks is now that he is better, I don't think there is a cage large enough for Syrian hamsters. Although they are small animals, they are designed to roam long distances. Better to rig up your whole house with a hamster circuit from room to room 😄
It's an interesting cage. I wonder if the clips at the top corners are easy to close tightly enough not to pop out.
I bought this cage for my Ham, she is a Syrian. It turned out to be a horrible cage, it was way too small for her and the bedding could only be as deep as the solid base which ended up only being about 4 inches. Any more than that and the bedding would come out of the bars and make a huge mess. It was also a pain to clean because the platforms can’t be removed without a ton of effort. A proper sized wheel for her also took up a majority of one side so really cut into her roaming space.

I ended up switching her into a large aquarium with a mesh lid. Way easier to clean and the bedding is 10 inches deep.
You can fit perspex inside the bars for deeper bedding :-) But I hear you about the shelves being difficult to remove. Personally I like barred cages and front access. You can screw a wheel to the bars at whatever height you want. I would probably leave the shelves permanently and just wipe them clean as and when needed.

But yes if you had a female syrian it might not have been large enough for her.