New setup


Hamster Fanatic
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I’ve arranged the platforms and house and I think it looks ok… I’d love to know what you all think.
I got them all from HHHs and I’m really pleased with the quality and finish.

Still a long way to go though. Need to get a sand bath, cork logs etc… Also plastikote everything.
But I wanted to ask you guys about using cork to cover the wood surfaces. I’ve always used hemp mats but they’re so expensive now and I’ve noticed a lot of you use cork lining but it’s not something I’ve ever used before but it would be potentially cheaper and easier to cut to shape👍


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I love it! Everything has been arranged so carefully. Am I right in thinking you are getting a dwarf hamster? Last week my dwarf hamster climbed on top of a hide and managed to reach the lid of the cage so I just thought I would mention it to you so you can ensure there is enough of a gap between the MCH and the lid.

I plastikote everything and put cork on the tops of MCH and shelves so they are not slippery. Mine are cork tiles which already have a sticky backing but I also have a roll of cork that can be cut and glue put on it.
Thank you Rainbow, I did spend a lot of time deciding where everything should go🤓😄
And you’re spot on about any Hamster being able to reach the top bars, there’s enough gap as it is but I’ll have to be careful with anything I put on the house or platforms as it could definitely be an issue.

Can I ask where do you get your cork tiles from?
It looks amazing :) I wouldn't worry about him getting up to the roof - as long as he can't fall far or fall on anything hard or sharp. You can tweak things like that once you have substrate in etc.
Thank you Maz!
Its definitely still a work in progress but you guys give such great advice I’m slowly getting there…
Thanks Rainbow, I had a look on Amazon and it was so cheap I wondered if it would be suitable.
Im hoping I can keep the height as it allows for lots of burrowing but then I would like to put some hides and toys to investigate on the platforms and house so I’ll have to see.
My girls really like Chinese hamsters so I might have to ask Elusive about using hammocks maybe🤔
Thank you Maz!
Its definitely still a work in progress but you guys give such great advice I’m slowly getting there…
Thanks Rainbow, I had a look on Amazon and it was so cheap I wondered if it would be suitable.
Im hoping I can keep the height as it allows for lots of burrowing but then I would like to put some hides and toys to investigate on the platforms and house so I’ll have to see.
My girls really like Chinese hamsters so I might have to ask Elusive about using hammocks maybe🤔
I would definitely keep the height. In fact the taller it is, the less far it is to fall. Once you have all the bedding in, you'll be able to see if there are any areas need a bit of protection from a possible fall etc.
I like that you've got the two back platforms at about the same height as the house roof. That must have taken some working out regarding which size legs to buy for the house.
Maz the curvy platforms are great and was you that suggested those so thank you for that.
I like that it doesn’t take up too much room but would allow a hamster to run for end to end.
I also like that you have the wheel platform near the front door, but far enough below it. I can just imagine a hamster hopping of the wheel and wanting to come out.
That really does look great!
I’ve never used cork on surfaces but I do wonder if some hams might have a good go at chewing it?
It depends if you want a particular colour scheme with your plastikote but I’ve used the flat white more & more on shelves, it’s not slippery being matt, it does mark easily but also wipes down so it doesn’t really stain. It’s a shame they don’t do more matt colours.
If you’re thinking about getting a Chinese & using hammocks access might be an issue, I use ledges attached to the bars to climb up usually but you could probably do it by using little bridges or something that could be used as steps, it doesn’t need to be that high up but you don’t want the base of the hammcok resting on anything really & I keep them away from the wheel so there’s no chance of stepping out of the hammock on top of the wheel (just the sort of thing they’d do!).
Thank you elusive that’s really helpful.
I didn’t know there was matt option and that would make things a lot easier to maintain.
I’ll hopefully make progress with the set up over the weekend and I’ll need help with the final bits and pieces I think😃