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New Syrian bar biting

She might have found somewhere to sleep, they usually sleep during the day. Is her cage in the bedroom? Could she get back to it? What time does she normally wake up in the evening?
Yes she normally sleeps in the afternoon, she wakes up about 5 or 6 pm, we feed her, she eats a bit then goes back to her hiding, comes back up about 8/8:30. Her cage is in my daughter's bedroom and she has a way to go back, we put some boxes stacked but I'm gonna change for books, it might be easier for her, the lack or noise and traces is what concerns me, no sign of poop anywhere, no wet floor, no noise.
Maz's advice about cage size is excellent. Getting a larger cage helps, and possibly one without bars or wood, but it is up to you. @Lovelyness is mum to Blossom, and is brilliant with her. Blossom is quite a demanding Syrian girl. Good luck, enjoy your little one. Later when they start to get on
Aww, thanks ☺️
Do you have a camera you could set up, maybe she has found somewhere to hide? If you leave some treats, she might come out?
Blossom was super demanding, similar to Mauve when she was a bit younger…definitely a bit of a challenge. The biggest thing which helped Blossom settle down was the addition of a dig box (an old too small wheel filled with shredded cardboard, so not expensive), deeper bedding through her cage, and loads of different textures to chew on which I stick between the bars of her cage. So long as she has things to chew between the bars, she is fine, but I do have to keep them topped up. I got a lovely delivery of natural bits from Pride Rock Blooms which have gone down really well. Blossom’s favourites are dried banana leaves and coconut husks. The cork mat went down well too! Oh, and egg boxes too…how could I possibly forget the egg box lol. Blossom was definitely worse when she was in heat, and a bit of extra time out in her play box helped with that. Good luck! 🤞
Do you have a camera you could set up, maybe she has found somewhere to hide? If you leave some treats, she might come out?
I don't have a camera, normally when she's out she doesn't care much for treats, she doesn't eat out of our hands a lot, specially when she's out of the cage.
Blossom was super demanding, similar to Mauve when she was a bit younger…definitely a bit of a challenge. The biggest thing which helped Blossom settle down was the addition of a dig box (an old too small wheel filled with shredded cardboard, so not expensive), deeper bedding through her cage, and loads of different textures to chew on which I stick between the bars of her cage. So long as she has things to chew between the bars, she is fine, but I do have to keep them topped up. I got a lovely delivery of natural bits from Pride Rock Blooms which have gone down really well. Blossom’s favourites are dried banana leaves and coconut husks. The cork mat went down well too! Oh, and egg boxes too…how could I possibly forget the egg box lol. Blossom was definitely worse when she was in heat, and a bit of extra time out in her play box helped with that. Good luck! 🤞
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That looks lovely, Mauve has a lot of chew toys but doesn't care for them, only cardboard through the bars, and she is in heat, yesterday I saw something white coming out of her, googled and it was this, has no idea, she smelled horrible too, didn't even get better with sand bath, I believe it was because of this heat. I don't know how often this happens but whenever she's smelly I assume she's in heat.
That looks lovely, Mauve has a lot of chew toys but doesn't care for them, only cardboard through the bars, and she is in heat, yesterday I saw something white coming out of her, googled and it was this, has no idea, she smelled horrible too, didn't even get better with sand bath, I believe it was because of this heat. I don't know how often this happens but whenever she's smelly I assume she's in heat.
Female hamsters are in heat every 4 days, so it’s pretty frequent! I’d maybe try some deeper bedding and also a dig box where you can scatter some food for her to forage to keep her busy…worked well for Blossom 🌸👍
Female hamsters are in heat every 4 days, so it’s pretty frequent!
Ahhh no wonder. Also she doesn't like mealworms and I heard protein is important for hamsters, but she always leaves them on the plate, could she eat a bit of tuna?
I'm so grateful to everyone welcoming and being patient with me here, it's out 1st hamster although we had a guinea pig before, but this is completely different, I'd say even more challenging, so thanks to everyone who's been answering and helping out. I'm hoping she goes back to her cage between now and 10pm, if not I don't know what else to do, we've looked everywhere, it's a relatively small flat so not a lot of places to hide.
Hi. I would have posted more but it’s been a tough day. I’d she in the one room with the door closed? If so, at least you know where she is. For now I would put her cage on the floor with the door open and do you still have the geeen ladder that came with it? You could attach that as a ramp into the cage. Out a trail of sunflower seeds leading up to and on the ramp into the cage and a smelly treat at the tops of the ramp and one just inside the cage (eg cucumber or cheddar cheese).

As others have said she is probably hiding or sleeping somewhere and might not come out again until after dark - they are sneaky.

If you don’t find her before bedtime then I would set up a bucket trap as well. See the article on how to catch an escaped hamster on the home page and also on Tino’s thread there is a photo of a bucket trap set up. That nearly always works as while she might go back to the cage (and they are usually asleep in it in the morning) she could also leave it again!

I have quite a few tips for the cage set up, including adding more bedding as Hank mentioned, but that in itself means adjusting everything else. Meanwhile have a look at the show us your cages thread for ideas for set ups and some of my plaza set ups are on there too.
Hi. I would have posted more but it’s been a tough day. I’d she in the one room with the door closed? If so, at least you know where she is. For now I would put her cage on the floor with the door open and do you still have the geeen ladder that came with it? You could attach that as a ramp into the cage. Out a trail of sunflower seeds leading up to and on the ramp into the cage and a smelly treat at the tops of the ramp and one just inside the cage (eg cucumber or cheddar cheese).

As others have said she is probably hiding or sleeping somewhere and might not come out again until after dark - they are sneaky.

If you don’t find her before bedtime then I would set up a bucket trap as well. See the article on how to catch an escaped hamster on the home page and also on Tino’s thread there is a photo of a bucket trap set up. That nearly always works as while she might go back to the cage (and they are usually asleep in it in the morning) she could also leave it again!

I have quite a few tips for the cage set up, including adding more bedding as Hank mentioned, but that in itself means adjusting everything else. Meanwhile have a look at the show us your cages thread for ideas for set ups and some of my plaza set ups are on there too.
Thank you Maz I will have a look. We are really sad over here, quite anxious too. She hasn't eaten since morning. I will set up thr trap you've mentioned. Thanks for all the help, you and everyone.
Try not to worry - she will be fine without food until tonight. She is mostly likely asleep. They can be sneaky once they think they’ve escaped and won’t come out till the house is quiet sometimes - but she took be looking for food and the bucket trap should work.
It’s a pain setting up a bucket trap! You need so many books and it’s a fiddle getting the steps right so they’re shallow enough - it tends to spread out quite a long way. If you have something like a wooden ruler it would help for the top part - or just a piece of wood that is thin and not too heavy.

This is a night time video of Tino showing the bucket trap. It was about 3am. If you watch from about 1.24 you’ll see him climbing the book steps to the top (following a trail of food and sunflower seeds). Then he falls in the bucket. There was a bit of strawberry at the bottom 😊

Hi everyone, no news from Mauve so far, we did realise the balcony door was opened yesterday and I went downstairs to check but saw nothing, but it's been 24hrs already, we are all trying to grasp what's going on. I wonder if this has happened to many people, I saw on social media that's very.common, also that they simply disappeared, which is a scary thought. Any words of advice? My daughter is going on and off on crying, denying, distraction, avoidance, crying again. I've been up from.3:20 to 7am looking for her again.
I am so sorry to hear this. It took 2 nights to catch my hamster Tino. When you say balcony door - do you mean to another part of the house or to the outside like an upstairs balcony? Did you manage to set up a bucket trap or leave her cage on the floor?

The chances are she would hide if you were up looking for her at that time. They are very careful about hiding if they think someone is around - it's their instinct to escape. I would suggest tonight, that you close all doors to the room and set up the bucket trap and also leave the cage on the floor with an access ramp into it. And a trail of food up both. Even if you don't catch her you'll see if any of the food has been taken. Leaving the cage on the floor as well means she has access to water.

Is your daughter's bedroom upstairs? You mentioned something about she might have got downstairs. You might need to keep your daughter's room door closed but all the other doors open and set a second bucket trap somewhere downstairs. If that is going to be too difficult then just leave the cage on the floor in your daughter's bedroom and set the bucket trap downstairs.

Have you heard any noises anywhere? Are there any holes in the floorboards in your daughter's room in case she got under the floorboards? Sometimes there are some where central heating pipes go down. Also check the bathroom.
I am so sorry to hear this. It took 2 nights to catch my hamster Tino. When you say balcony door - do you mean to another part of the house or to the outside like an upstairs balcony? Did you manage to set up a bucket trap or leave her cage on the floor?

The chances are she would hide if you were up looking for her at that time. They are very careful about hiding if they think someone is around - it's their instinct to escape. I would suggest tonight, that you close all doors to the room and set up the bucket trap and also leave the cage on the floor with an access ramp into it. And a trail of food up both. Even if you don't catch her you'll see if any of the food has been taken. Leaving the cage on the floor as well means she has access to water.

Is your daughter's bedroom upstairs? You mentioned something about she might have got downstairs. You might need to keep your daughter's room door closed but all the other doors open and set a second bucket trap somewhere downstairs. If that is going to be too difficult then just leave the cage on the floor in your daughter's bedroom and set the bucket trap downstairs.

Have you heard any noises anywhere? Are there any holes in the floorboards in your daughter's room in case she got under the floorboards? Sometimes there are some where central heating pipes go down. Also check the bathroom.
Hi Maz, what I meant by downstairs was because I live up high in a block of flats, on the 8th, and underneath one part of our balcony is the 5th floor, the other part goes straight to the garage as in level 0. So if she jumped off the balcony we were hoping to see remains of her on either floors. Our flat has only one floor, we closed all the doors, I set up traps, the bucket one didn't work as our bucket is missing too 🫠 but I did check and underneath the slaps in the kitchen to cover the furniture, there's many gaps which she could have gone through and I set up traps there too, such as her favorite food and some wood pieces, she'd knock the off and we'd hear noises, but nothing, she's vanished without a trace, we've looked everywhere. Our mood goes on and off, crying, going about our day, looking for her, getting angry, crying again, it's very confusing and disturbing at this point. I try to smell her everywhere, check for poop, nothing. It's like she was never here, apart from photos and cage.
I was afraid but gonna have to ask, what do they smell like when they die? I have to prepare myself.