Nov 5th Fireworks


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I saw this on Facebook. I’m sure they won’t mind me reposting it here, it’s not the best picture a bit blurry. Kinda helpful for all pets.

Good idea Zara. We live in a quiet area so not too much noise but there are always some fireworks. Hamsters can be scared by loud bangs. I am interested to know what Orko thinks, seeing as he likes thunderstorms! What do you think Orko? :-)
Lol. Orko will report back once he is out when there are fireworks. I heard some earlier for Diwali but he is asleep
I hope they don't bother Orko! Good that he is asleep.
He only gets up when im in bed and its dark. He usually gets up 1 or 2AM.
None of our hamsters reacted to the fireworks last night. Sometimes, when a bomb goes off in one of my OH's movies and he forgot to close his door, they will sit and listen briefly then carry on with whatever they were doing. I talk to them as well and yes, they do listen to music.

Thank you for this article Zara.
It is very helpful, especially to people who don't know how their hamsters will react.

In fact, i've just realized that nervy Clive arrived in January!!

I just checked my diary to make sure i'm home 5th Nov otherwise i would have had to cancel a shift.
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Being prepared to cancel a shift for you hamsters is brilliant. Quality care.
I've been quite lucky with hamsters, none of them seem too bothered about fireworks. Only if the other animals in the house were the same...