Online Safety Act

Socks Mum

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Maz, the Guinea Pig Forum has stopped direct messaging. I don't know if you have seen Boss Hog's posts about it. It seems like a reasonable precaution. It might work differently for The Hamster Forum. They were stopped so that everything on the forum can be moderated as unmoderated messages are a potential liability for the forum owner. It's something to be aware of anyway.
The discussion is titled "All members please read - new UK Online Safety Act"
I've changed your post title to online safety act :-) Or it might be confusing for others thinking it refers to this forum.

I'm just looking into it now. Our restrictions on age are 13 or over currently.

There was a major issue recently with " a Mum forum" where some awful photos were posted by spammers. I think their software and spam protection isn't as good as ours though and it's a vast enterprise that was specifically targeted.

Currently we only restrict direct messaging if a member seems dubious. I had to restrict home page comments to members only a while back to prevent spam links being posted on there.

It is something to weigh up.

The legislation applies to all online services and social media, which includes main social media sites and all variety of site topics, and a hamster forum is hardly somewhere where inappropriate content is going to be posted by members :-)
Websites with age restrictions need to specify in their terms of service what measures they use to prevent underage access and apply these terms consistently.
From that guidance - so it looks like we might have to update the terms of service slightly to say what measures will be taken to prevent underage access (eg banning anyone we suspect to be under 13).
The main requirements for a forum like this are

1) To have moderation (which we have) and we also have a "report" button for moderators to take action
2) To state in the terms of service, what measures will be taken to prevent underage access.
Changed the settings so direct messaging isn't available to new members. Eg it doesn't become available until a member is more established and known. Just as we currently limit new members from voting in photo comps to stop people joining up to vote for friends!

We haven't had a problem as yet with anyone receiving an inappropriate message from another member, but it's possible if a spammer gets through. Although not now I've changed the settings :-)

Even admin can't view private messages between members, (technically it's possible via the server, but not possible on the forum itself), but there is a report button in direct messages.
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Unfortunately, having gone through the Ofcom regulation checker, even a small forum like this, isn't exempt and I'm required to complete a risk assessment form which needs updating every year. Which I'm doing.

As part of that, two of the questions are:

Can children access the forum (this means anyone under 18) and
Can users form closed groups or send group messages

As a result I agree with the guinea pig forum post you mentioned that it would be better if I set the age limit at age 18 and cancel direct messaging. Clearly group private messaging is seen as a possible way for children to be "groomed". Even though that is 99.9% unlikely on here!

Admin privileges override direct message settings, so it means I can contact members by direct message and they can reply. Alternatively members can contact admin via the Contact Us email.

This doesn't affect this forum particularly as we post on the forum and direct message isn't really used or needed much. There is a report button if a problem arises.

Moderators will need to communicate via the private moderator section of the forum (which is rarely used!)

I'll also have to ask everyone not to post their location in future.

I'll do a separate post about it all.
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Wow it's very time consuming! Pages and pages of stuff to read and a huge form to fill in etc etc. The risk assessment is just in case Ofcom ask to see it.

On balance it's a good thing, to keep people safe online.

I'm plodding my way through the risk assessment form at the moment! I consulted a software forum also as other forums are in the same position - just to get as much info as possible :)

And thank you Socks Mum - the act starts in a few days time so I need to be up to speed! We already have very stringent security on here anyway, but I've just added another layer, that scans photos to prevent inappropriate photos being uploaded. Which is extremely unlikely on here but .......means it can't happen now (after what happened on that Mum forum).

Primarily though, our spam filters are very good and the software is good and up to date.