Please help! need advice on new baby hamster(s?)


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hi everyone - I'm sorry that this is so long, please, please, bare with me.

I just rescued two Syrian long-haired hamsters from craigslist 6 days ago (last week on Saturday), one is about a month old (maybe a month and a half now) and the other is 5 months old. I had them both in 800 sq inches of floorspace each (two prolee 40" cages) and was planning on upgrading, at the very, very least, the female to a minimum of 1000 sq in when she had grown a little more since she is a little larger than a Russian Dwarf atm. The boy is quite a chill dude, I don't even think he has explored his second level yet. He seems to be content with a smaller amount of space, but I will upgrade him whenever possible. However, the girl tries to escape every night. She is not satisfied and I am happy to meet her needs. I am in between places at my parent's as a veterinary student, so I have a very small room and couldn't fit more than two of the bare minimum cages in there for the time being. It was much better than keeping them in the situation they were in, as they were both housed with a "bonded companion" syrian in a crittertrail. Clearly, their environments were deplorable - they came to me stinking and stained of urine - the owners were well-meaning and very nice but uneducated. Neither of the babies had been handled much, and both are very shy but in the past few days had been alright coming up to me for treats, and putting their two front feet on my hand if I was holding food in front of them. I have not pushed them any further than they had wanted to go themselves, except for today.

Now, for the bad part of the story - I live in the suburbs of NY and we have a large creek about 10 ft from our backdoor. As many of you may know, NY was in a state of emergency today with flooding and our house was top of the list. At 9 am, our creek had become a full-blown flowing river and there were branches, debris and garbage in 2 ft of water only a few feet away from our back door. In addition to the hamsters we have 6 cats, a dog, and a rabbit. Once we recognized the rate that the water was creeping up to our backdoor, we had only about 20-25 minutes to get everyone in the cars before we got out. The only road leading out in our neighborhood had over a foot of water covering it and I was afraid my car and my dog were going to be swept away while we caught and put everyone else in carriers to pack our cars. It was absolutely terrifying and it was the last thing I would have thought would happen after I acquired two very young, very fragile animals into my family. I've kept hamsters ethically for 7 years, and traveling is something that I have always been anxious about with them. My family and I left with nothing but the animals - no clothes for ourselves, no toiletries, no food for the animals, no houses/hides etc. We had to stop at several pet stores on the way to get the basics. There was simply not enough time because the cars were going to be swept away and we wouldn't have been able to escape with everyone safely.

That being said, I had to scoop the new babies and put them into carriers (didn't handle them, scooped them into a little house and placed them in a carrier), and traveled 3 hours away with them to our beach house - we had no where else to go. I had to stop and get two 40 gallon breeders, hides and wheels for them because we obviously didn't have time to bring their enclosures with us. Because of the stops and because of the time it took for me to set up their new enclosure as best I could, They didn't get out of their enclosures until about 5-6 hours after I put them in (they had food, water and a hide in each). At the moment, they are in their new enclosures in a dark, quiet room, alone with the door closed.

Sunday morning, in two days, is my uncle's headstone unveiling. I have to be there, and my mom has to go back to our house tomorrow morning (Saturday) to have maintenance workers pump the waist-deep water out of our living room. That being said, I think I have to go back tomorrow, and obviously bring my animals with me. But I am terrified of one of them contracting wet tail - especially the baby, at the young age she is. Thankfully, I have not experienced having to deal with it so far, but it has always been a massive fear of mine. I don't know what to do. Does it really sound like a terrible idea to bring them with me tomorrow? Does anyone have any advice they can give me to reduce their stress? I am so sorry for the long explanation, I just wanted you all to understand where I am coming from.
Hello & welcome to the forum.
I’m really sorry to hear you’ve had to go through all this, it does souond quite traumatic & stressful for you all.

I’m not really clear on where you’re going to be for how long.
Are you leaving the beach house & going back home or somewhere else or will you be going back to the beach house.
If it is at all possible to keep the hamsters in one place that would be the best way to avoid any more stress, is there anyone who could just keep an eye on them & do food & water if you’re going to be away for a short while?
If you do have to take them with you there isn’t alot you can do to avoid a certain amount of more stress but just keep them as quiet & calm as you can.
It’s great that you gave these two hammies a better home and amazing you managed to evacuate all your animals. It sounds a scary and difficult experience.

You clearly care very much to get them two 40 gallon tanks meanwhile.
I understand your concern completely and it sounds like a dilemma.

I am also not clear where you need to go and for how long but I am guessing the headstone unveiling is back near your old house and you now need to go home with your Mum.

If that is the case, then there is not much else you can do. Are their old cages still all set up as before at your old home? Ie did they avoid the flooding?

If so then at least your hammies will have something familiar to settle into when you get back.

If the unveiling just means being away for a couple of nights, then, as Elusive says, it would be better to leave the hamsters where they are now. You can leave them for up to two nights, just putting extra food and water out. Any longer than that and it would need someone there to feed them and do their water each day. Apart from the need to do that, it’s just so they know someone is around.

But I’m guessing you’re going to need to go back home if your Mum is going.

So in that case you will just need to do the best you can. I’d suggest having a little chat with them before putting them in the pet carrier and explaining you’re going home and you’ll be there. This might sound silly but I think they pick up on intention of reassurance in your voice and understand you care.

The little one has survived quite a lot already, with the previous bad conditions and the evacuation, so she sounds like she is quite strong not to have had wet tail already. If she did happen to get it you’d need to see a vet straight away for antibiotics - but fingers crossed that won’t happen. I’ve had to take an elderly hamster on holiday with me a couple of times before. Admittedly the journey was only 2 hours but they just went to sleep in the pet carrier and I’d have the pet carrier on my knee (as a passenger) with a blanket over the top. Holding onto it. And occasionally chat to them.

This was to stay in a holiday house for a week so they had a cage set up there on arrival.

If you have two then one carrier could be wedged in somewhere securely so it can’t move if the car brakes. Putting a blanket or towel over the top helps keep it dark for them and less distraction from noise and light flashing as you drive. Put some food and a piece of cucumber in with them and plenty of bedding. And take a water bottle just in case.

It would also help to bag up the bedding from the 40 gallon tanks to put on top of the bedding in their old cages back home, so it still smells familiar.

I’ve also had to travel for half a day with a baby hamster in a pet carrier when going to collect them and they tend to just go to sleep so if you travel during the day it would be better as that is when they sleep.

Let us know how you get on :)
I also wanted to welcome you to the forum. You are an amazing person to rescue these two hamsters. I am dreadfully sorry to hear of your experience with the flooding. I did hear about it on the news and it sounds so scary. I hope you are all okay.
Thank you everyone so much for your responses! You are all so supportive, sweet, and understanding. <3 Many of you had the same questions - I apologize, I was rushing through the post so quickly to get it out there that I forgot to clarify a few points. So today (Saturday), my mom has already gotten to the house and they have pumped the water out, meaning we can move back in whenever. The unveiling is about 10 minutes away from the house that flooded, so when I said "going back" I meant going back to the original home. And yes, thankfully that is where their original enclosures are, and were unharmed since they were on the second floor, so they wouldn't be switched to a new enclosure after the trip today; they would be put back in the place they know the best. I am still feeling out what to do from here as I go. Obviously, I didn't plan for this so I'm trying to work around what would affect them the least but some things as many of you were mentioning are out of my control. Do we think they'll be alright if I travel during the day while they're asleep and they get to go back to their normal enclosures? They had blankets covering them during the trip yesterday as well, which seemed to help them sleep through it a lot. Last night they were both very active, and the younger baby was eating a ton- I checked on them multiple times in the middle of the night. They have their own room that is nice and quiet and dedicated solely to them lol.
If it was only yesterday that you travelled away from home, then yes it's probably best to get back home and have them in their familiar cages. And travelling during the day should be fine.
Good to hear you’ll be able to get back home, hamsters do tend to sleep during longer journeys & if it’s in the day that’s even more likely
It sounds like they have a nice quiet place to settle into once you get back so they should get over things ok
Just an update: they are home and very active - don't know if this is a good or bad thing. We've been home for a few hours, almost 4 now, and they are up much earlier than they normally are. They tend to be late sleepers. In the car, at least one of them was cracking open sunflower seeds for the last 45 minutes of the drive so they didn't seem bothered enough for it to affect their appetite at least.
That sounds as though it went well then, they behaviour might be a bit different as they settle back down again but I expect they’ll soon get over it now.
Thank you for the update. It is good to hear they enjoyed the sunflower seeds.
Thanks for the update :) They will probably need a few days to settle down again and get into a routine now. So best to avoid any cleaning in their cages or changes in the cages or they could get quite stressed. Scattering treats or good in their cages might help distract them.