Run free Raffy


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Dear little Raffy is at the Rainbow Bridge. The vet was very good and kind and they send you paw prints later.

It’s still a bit surreal as he went downhill so quickly. I had already started to miss him the last few days as he wasn’t really himself any more.

I won’t add a photo. There are a lot on here on his thread. He was probably the friendliest hamster I’ve ever had and we will miss him very much.
Oh Maz I'm so sorry, this is such terrible news.
Thank you for sharing so much of his life with us, and for allowing us to get to know, even if only in a small way, what a wonderful little hamster he was. He will be greatly missed.
Run free beautiful little man. 🐾🐹♥️
I'm so very sorry Maz. Raffy had a happy and long life with you. He was such an energetic little boy, with such a personality and a knack for keeping you on your toes, hiding and getting where he shouldn't, even up stairs!
Raffy always made me smile, and today for the first time, cry.
Thank you for sharing his adventures with us, he will be missed.
Thinking of you at this very difficult time.
Play well and run free gorgeous Raffy ❤️
This is such sad news Maz and I am relieved that the vet was kind.
Raffy was a very special boy indeed. Lively, friendly and full of mischief. I know that you will miss him keenly and so will the family. You shared so much of his life with us here and so many photos of his cheeky face.
Rest in peace now Raffy, play well across the rainbow bridge with so many special friends there to meet you.
You will be missed here very much as you made us laugh and now shed tears for you.
Sent your Mum a sign that all is well with you now as she loved you very much.
Raffy will be remembered by all on here who followed his posts we will miss him too a very special boy.
Hi Maz, I’m so very saddened to read this and am sending you and the family virtual hugs on what must be a vey difficult day. Raffy has always been such a fun loving character on the forum and will be missed greatly by us all. He’s lived his best life with you and the love and bond between you both has always been clear. Play well at the rainbow bridge Raffy, you’ll be dearly missed 🌈🌈🌈 💙💙💙
Thank you so much - it means a lot. Yes it’s been a very hard day. It was the right thing to do but also so hard to do.
So sorry to hear your sad news 😢 Raffy was a grand little chap and I know that he will be greatly missed. We have so many wonderful times with our pets, but it is truly heartbreaking when the time comes for them to leave us 💔 Run free little Raffy 🌈
His first owner didn't want him and he bit, but he proved how kindness can turn things around, and he became an absolutely awesome hammy, and such a great family member.
I'm so sorry to hear it, Raffy was an amazing hamster and lived a good full life with you. He gave us so many memorable moments. I will always remember him sneaking into that bag of crisps, or the many times he would follow you around. He could be so obstinate and so sweet depending on the day, plus looked distinguished the whole way. Have fun at the bridge Raffy, all the crisps are yours now
Thank you so much - it’s lovely everyone remembers so much about him. He really was a character and so friendly. I maybe should have been more prepared for this when he had to start on Metacam.

It will take some getting used to - him not being around - he has owned the living room for at least two years.
I’m so sorry to hear your sad news Maz, Raffy was such a very special ham & you had such a great bond with him, I know much you will miss him.
Raffy lived life to the full to such a great age & could’t have wished for a better life.
Thinking of you at this difficult time.

Run free & play well at the bridge Raffy 🌈 ❤️
Thank you elusive.
I'm so sorry to hear about little Raffy. I find it always makes the process 'easier' when the vet is so compassionate. Run free Raffy, you will be missed.
Thank you Riven x Lovely to see you. I wouldn't say she was compassionate as such, but she was nice - they can be a little bit clinical sometimes, but she was very pleasant.
Oh I am sorry. I hope in time you start to associate the sitting room that Raffy owned with lovely memories of him. RIP Raffy.
Thank you Tulsi. I do have fond memories already :-) It's at night when it seems a bit quiet without him but that had been building up for a while.
Such a shame Tino doesn't come out can he not be bribed with food he's a big boy now and hasn't got hasn't got any competition for free time.