Running too much on wheel??


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Hi! I got my robo hamster two days ago, and most of the time she’s awake she’s running on her wheel. I don’t know if it’s possible for hamsters to run too much, but I just wanted to come on here and ask because I’m just not sure. She’s been eating and pooping normal, I haven’t seen her drink much from her water dish but I moved it closer to her wheel to see if that helps. Thoughts??


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Hello and welcome :-) Gorgeous robo! She's probably very young and excited and robos do love their wheels :-) Sometimes I find they jump on the wheel and run when they're a bit scared of something as well. A couple of days isn't long and it can take them a couple of weeks to adjust to a new environment and enclosure, so best not to clean anything during that time while she's settling in. Then she'll probably be in more of a routine. They pee such tiny amounts I reckon most of it evaporates! Their poops are also very tiny too and not really anything to worry about. Sometimes they eat them, which is normal.

I've had two robos and their underground workings have always been very neat and tidy. And their nests usually dry and clean - mine used to pee underground in one corner, well away from the sleeping and hoarding area. One of them even used a litter tray I put in his multiroom house.

She has a lovely set up :-)
I agree, nothing to worry about. I have had a number of roborovski hamsters over the years and they all adored running and running on their wheels. I rarely saw them drink water. I am sure they did so but you couldn't tell from their water bowl levels.

I also love her set up, really creative with lots to do and plenty of hiding places.
That's a nice setup! Any chance you will make a thread for her in the Robo Hamster section? I would love to see more as things go along
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