Sand baths for Syrian hamsters


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Hi, I would like to purchase a sand bath for my Syrian hamster but I am not sure if they are more suitable for dwarf hamsters? If they can have sand baths, how often would he be able to bath in it and what sort of sand bath is the best for them?

Many thanks,


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Aww, your hamster is so cute! You can leave the sand bath in the cage permanently. Lots of Syrians enjoy sand baths. Some roll in it and others use it for a toilet. :) You can use all sorts of things for a sand bath. You could use a dish, a cookie jar or buy an actual sand bath. With sand you can buy reptile sand without calcium or children's play sand but this will need to be sterilized. I like Komodo sand and my hamster enjoys it.
Hello and welcome :-). It's true that dwarf hamsters can appreciate sand baths more than Syrians - but it depends on the Syrian! Some enjoy them, some don't bother with them. Does your hamster use a potty for peeing in? What I do is get a corner litter tray with sand in - which our hamster uses to pee in - makes life much easier! Because the cage stays clean and dry and you just empty the potty once or twice a week.

Some of our Syrians have used it as a sand bath as well. So they would pee in the very back corner (very neatly!) and sit in the front part and have a wash. If they do that then you could maybe try them with a sand bath as well. If they only pee in it then they might not bother with a sandbath. Either way - you can use just about any dish for a sand bath for a Syrian :) A lot of the ones sold for hamsters are too small, as you thought, and only big enough for a dwarf hamster, but people use all kinds of things as a sand bath for a Syrian hamster. You could just use a pyrex casserole dish for example from a kitchen cupboard, or an old ice cream plastic carton. Sand can get kicked about though, so other things people use sometimes use are things like an angled glass cookie jar or a large salt pig (more enclosed) - but you don't actually need to buy something.

These are the corner litter trays I get though - they are a good size for a Syrian and because they're open, all Syrians fit in them - it can really help to train them to use a toilet! A hamster will often have a corner of the cage where they pee - so if you put it there they will use it. But if you put it somewhere else, they won't use it! They only use it if you put it in the place where they usually pee.

Posted at the same time as Rainbow :) The Tiny Friends Chinchilla sand is ok as well. If you get Chinchilla bathing sand, it needs to say "sand" and not "dust". There seems to be some debate on whether or not childrens play sand needs sterilising or not as some already says sterilised so it maybe depends which one you get!

And your hamster is SO adorable in that photo! Is he in the Hamster Heaven?
Thank you for the advice! Yes, my hamster lives in a Hamster Heaven cage that came with a potty however he doesn’t use this and uses the penthouse instead as well as storing food there too. 😁
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Just to add. One thing they really do love is lots of substrate in the base of the cage - so they can have normal behaviours like burying hoards and pushing the substrate about or digging a bit. I thought from the photo your hammy looked quite low down in the cage. They need about 4" deep of substrate but most people try to put about 6" in (ie just below the edge of the base - any higher and it can spill out!). It might sound like a lot of substrate but - it lasts a lot longer the more you use - because then you don't need to do clean outs very often (especially if they use a potty tray!). You can just "spot clean" mostly and go 2 to 3 months before having to change the substrate - even then it's usually clean and dry at the bottom and I reuse about half the old substrate and mix it in with the new - that way it still smells familiar to the hamster, because it still has their scent, so it's less stressful for them. Big clean outs can be very stressful for them (if you didn't know already!). They scent mark their cage and leave scent trails in their substrate to help navigate their way round the cage (as they really don't see well) so if everything is cleaned at once they can feel a bit lost and stressed. So partial cleans are better :) I do the wheel a different week from the substrate as well - and any other items, just as and when needed.

You might want to think about a bigger wheel for him as well! I can't see from the photo well, but it looks like a smaller size flying saucer. It can be an issue fitting a bigger wheel into the hamster heaven so some people remove one of the shelves (usually the one with the holes in) and put a bigger wheel at that side. Something like the 28cm Trixie wheel is really popular. The wheel that comes with the cage is a bit small and they can't run with a straight back in a small wheel. Goodness knows why manufacturers still put small wheels in cages!
Thank you for the advice! Yes, my hamster lives in a Hamster Heaven cage that came with a potty however he doesn’t use this and uses the penthouse instead as well as storing food there too. 😁
Ah yes I forgot that - the Hamster Heaven already comes with a potty! Does he use it?
Just to add. One thing they really do love is lots of substrate in the base of the cage - so they can have normal behaviours like burying hoards and pushing the substrate about or digging a bit. I thought from the photo your hammy looked quite low down in the cage. They need about 4" deep of substrate but most people try to put about 6" in (ie just below the edge of the base - any higher and it can spill out!). It might sound like a lot of substrate but - it lasts a lot longer the more you use - because then you don't need to do clean outs very often (especially if they use a potty tray!). You can just "spot clean" mostly and go 2 to 3 months before having to change the substrate - even then it's usually clean and dry at the bottom and I reuse about half the old substrate and mix it in with the new - that way it still smells familiar to the hamster, because it still has their scent, so it's less stressful for them. Big clean outs can be very stressful for them (if you didn't know already!). They scent mark their cage and leave scent trails in their substrate to help navigate their way round the cage (as they really don't see well) so if everything is cleaned at once they can feel a bit lost and stressed. So partial cleans are better :) I do the wheel a different week from the substrate as well - and any other items, just as and when needed.

You might want to think about a bigger wheel for him as well! I can't see from the photo well, but it looks like a smaller size flying saucer. It can be an issue fitting a bigger wheel into the hamster heaven so some people remove one of the shelves (usually the one with the holes in) and put a bigger wheel at that side. Something like the 28cm Trixie wheel is really popular. The wheel that comes with the cage is a bit small and they can't run with a straight back in a small wheel. Goodness knows why manufacturers still put small wheels in cages!
Okay, putting more substrate in the cage is definitely something that I’ll do. I have heard that getting the right size wheel is really important for them as their backs can arch, I think, so I’ll have a look at getting a new one soon too. Possibly the 28cm Trixie wheel. Thanks again!
You're welcome. The trixie one is one of the cheapest ones and very popular :) . there may be others you can get locally, but for a Syrian it ideally needs to be about 11" diameter. you can get 10" ones as well but sometimes a hamster can outgrow those and then you need to get another one! They run really well in an 11"/28cm diameter too. I don't know if he bar chews but sometimes they bar chew when their wheel is too small (not getting enough exercise)!

I'd get a wheel rather than a sandbath first - if it comes to getting one thing at a time :) . If you need to take the shelf with the holes in out to fit a wheel in there is then room for some more floor toys at that side too - just things like a cardboard tunnel or an extra hidey place (tissue box) tend to go down well! Pringles tubes make good tunnels for Syrians (cleaned out of course!)
An upright traditional wheel is better for their main wheel, but if there's room for both a flying saucer is nice to have too - usually there isn't room for both in a cage (I have a flying saucer in a playpen area and our syrian loves it as well as his wheel!). Mainly because they need a 12" flying saucer which is quite big - and even then they run kind of curved on it sometimes. Whereas they run in a straight line on an upright wheel. The smaller flying saucers are only big enough for dwarf hamsters really.
Okay thank you for your help! One last question, I have found a quiet wooden Trixie wheel online as the reviews on the one you sent me earlier are quite noisy. Would you recommend this?
Some hamsters wee on their whell so it will help to give it a water proof coating that is hamster safe. Plastikote is great for this. You can buy it clear or with colours. Amazon sell it. 😀
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Ok the wood trixie wheels are silent, yes - most people paint those with plastikote (little pots of water based pet safe paint) - at least on the inside or they can get stinky. It's a good option as well. The plastic ones vary a lot - I have one that is very quiet - not noisy at all. Some people get very noisy ones - but then you can send it back and exchange it and keep your fingers crossed! But if you want a silent one - the trixie wood one is a good option that isn't too expensive. However - I would recommend getting a little pot of plastikote as well (about £4) and you'd just need a normal paintbrush to paint it on with - about a half inch or 1 inch brush. It dries quite quickly - in a couple of hours - although I leave it overnight and then do a second coat and wait till that's dry. So it's a bit of a faff but not too bad! The plastikote comes in different colours as well as clear, so some people paint the whole wheel and make it colourful :-). I just get the clear one and only paint the inside of the wheel and the cork lining (so it's wipe clean if they pee in the wheel - which they often do!).

Edit - posted at the same time as Rainbow :)
If you get the wood one you might need to check it over - some people have had a few quality control issues and the odd splinter round the edge - so having a piece of sand paper (or an emery board!) handy helps! You can easily sand a splinter in seconds that way. That might have been a temporary quality control issue though.
That looks good. It looks like a bigger version of the rodipet one for robos.