Second chance hamsters

I also lose track of time. He wasn't in the bin cage for long because i came across the Hamster Heavens.
I also thought that he was simply excited at first but his behaviour borders on the manic with zero attention span.

I think i'll remove the loft for now, add more overhead cover and clutter the cage up a bit then see what happens. My OH had a cold and got up at odd times during the night. He goes next door to see the hamsters and told me that Toby was racing around no matter what time it was.
I'll also take him off the adoption sites until i get an idea of his needs.
I hope that does the trick. It can be a stress behaviour if it seems repetitive. And then it's working out what's causing it.
So does that mean you think it's something serious regarding Toby? I hope he's going to be okay 🐹💕
That’s sounds like a good plan, hopefully it will suit him better & he’ll settle into a more relaxed behaviour.
So does that mean you think it's something serious regarding Toby? I hope he's going to be okay 🐹💕
Don't worry - it's probably behavioural and sometimes these things just settle down.
No, i don't think there's a serious problem. I think that i misread his behaviour and want to find out how he ticks without upsetting him. Don't worry, we'll get there.
Ok 🐹💕
He is really giving you a look! Could it be he wants his set up back to how it was?
I have no idea what he wants!
He's spending more time on the wheel than racing around tonight but then again, he doesn't have the race track now.
He is hamstering about inbetween which is a good thing and doesn't appear to be stressed.
I'm going to leave the cage the way it is and give him a chance to settle in, whatever Toby's take of settling in is.