Show us your Christmas Tree 2023


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As we had a thread for this last year, thought it would be nice to do it again (after seeing Lovelyness's tree :) Ours isn't up yet!
Still haven’t got ours up! It’s outside in the rain. Everything is taking longer this year but hopefully it’ll be up next week.

Today I realised Raffy’s temporary plaza is on top of the small table needed to put the Christmas tree on. It’s on wheels so it was easy enough to move out of position and put the chest of drawers there instead then the men carefully lifted the cage onto the chest of drawers. So Raffy won’t wake up and find everything looks different again - he’s in the same place.
Ours is up. The lights made everything look a bit purple for some reason. The base is a sheep feed bucket with wrapping paper round it :-)

Christmas tree 2023.jpg
It looks really horrible uncovered ha ha. It's just a white plastic thing. The tree is pot grown so it's already in pot with soil and the odd root sticking out, so the outer sheep feed bucket is to keep things clean around the muddy pot and makes it easier to top up with water as well. Probably have far too many baubles and tinsel on it! There was enough for a bigger tree that we used to have at one time.

I probably said this last year, but the tree ornaments all remind me of things each year - where we got them, what we were doing. Most are cheap but one is a lovely china bell a friend gave me the Christmas after my Dad died. It was a really kind thought and is special when I see it.
Ah, I was imagining it was galvanised metal or something rustic like that.
The best tree ornaments are those that remind you of special times. I have a star on the tree with my dogs photo on it. I cried when I put it on the tree. It's the first Christmas without him 😢
That is really special. But sorry it made you cry too. Our tree does appear to be leaning rather a lot! 😲 I hope it's just the shape and it's not about to fall over.
A photo of the tree without the lights on - side view as it was too sunny for a front view. And my special China bell (which actually tinkles). Our tree decoration tends to be a bit higgledy piggledy :)


Here we go. Note the wooden robin in a circle. I bought 3 animal designs a couple of years ago at a fair and they are made out recycled Christmas trees.

Thank you Lovelyness! The other two are a small leaping reindeer (just visible in the first photo I think) and then one with two penguins looking as though they are holding flippers.