Socks: Mouseworks Dynamic Cardboard Redesign and Basic Tunneling

Socks is eating well. He's taken lots of dry food and his veggie bowl is empty, except for a parsley leaf and a tiny piece of Nibblot. He ate tofu, cheese, cucumber, bell pepper, a Nibblot, parsley and lettuce last night. 🥣
He still has thinning fur on his face, shoulders, and the top of his head ❤️ but he runs on his wheel very enthusiastically and eats well.
Socks: I have an appointment to see the vet at 2pm on Saturday. I think Mom is more worried than I am. I'm getting extra protein in my diet, so hopefully that will help.
Mom: I'm not sure how they are going to do a skin scrape, if they do. I hope Socks doesn't fall off the table. I hope he doesn't bite the vet, although he's never done anything aggressive before, so he should be OK.
I hope it goes well, I know I was worried before going. I even went to the vets the day before to speak to them and to see exactly where to go. You probably already know, but a towel to cover the carrier is good, I actually let her explore the towel the day before, so it had some of her scent on it. The vets used the towel as well, which she was familiar with, so that could help. I also took a tub, with cucumber and carrots, as a distraction for her. The vets did give me some pet remedy calming wipes for the outside of the carrier, I'm not sure your will need them, but I think they helped Jas.
Like you say, I'm sure it will be fine though.
Your advice is wonderful! I will use a towel and smaller cloths as you did, very good idea. Yes, the cucumber is great. I will pack a tub for this in a backpack along with his water bottle and a bottle of water. The calming wipes sound good, I will get them from P@H if I can. Thank you for your reassurance! I plan to put used bedding in the carrier and put the carrier into a larger bag with the towel over it and cloths underneath.
I did put a little tunnel in the carrier, part buried in the bedding, but she mainly burrowed in the bedding, when she had got used to it. Thinking about it, the vet did use the tunnel as well, as she thought that might be an easy way to get her out. I think the towel helps to keep the light out a bit as well, I know you can't cover all of it because of ventilation, but it can help a bit I think.
I did put a little tunnel in the carrier, part buried in the bedding, but she mainly burrowed in the bedding, when she had got used to it. Thinking about it, the vet did use the tunnel as well, as she thought that might be an easy way to get her out. I think the towel helps to keep the light out a bit as well, I know you can't cover all of it because of ventilation, but it can help a bit I think.
Tunnel for getting hammy out is a good idea as it minimises handling by the vet. I use a tunnel to transport Blossom from cage to carrier or her play box.
Was it today you went to the vets?
Was it today you went to the vets?
It's going to be Saturday at 2pm, so it's a very convenient time. Thank you for all your brilliant advice. I bought some calming wipes and spray, but will use them on the outside of the container. The tunnel is a good idea. Might take a jug to hold Socks in. He's eating well and using his wheel. There is more hair loss unfortunately. His weight is 172g, the same as last week. Thank you for thinking of us ❤️🐾
Might be better not to use the wipes and spray! Anything like that can affect hamsters due to scent etc. Or was it a homeopathic spray? He'll be fine. I just do what Hank does and put a blanket over the pet carrier. Or sometimes a cushion cover. And have plenty of substrate, a little house, some food and cucumber in the pet carrier. Sometimes they just go to sleep in there :-)
The calming wipes and spray would be like those used for dogs I imagine. I used to use a calming spray with my dog (adaptil) and it did really help.
Hamsters have very sensitive respiratory tracts though. It's usually better to use nothing (except cucumber!) If it has any kind of smell or scent it could make him much more stressed.
It's for small animals, valerian. I'll keep it on hand. It works on me and had gin gins like it.
Mom: Socks had a nice free roam tonight! He loves getting out properly and isn't all that interested in being in a playpen.
Socks: Mom woke me up early, but what a nice surprise, a run around the room. I stayed away from the gin gins' cage though.
The gin gins: Mom put barriers all round our run to stop Socks from getting in here. He's a nice chap, but it's best if he stays out of our cage.
Socks: I stayed in the shadows as my fur has become a bit thinner. Vet on Saturday, I hope my fur grows back. I'm on my wheel at the moment, training hard!


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Mom: I needn't have worried, the vet visit went perfectly! I found the surgery, arriving an hour early, had lunch in a nice cafe and then went in. The vet saw me early. She was very nice and handled Socks gently. She checked him top and bottom and checked his teeth as well. She listened to his heart and lungs and asked about his general condition, age, weight and activity level. She said she didn't think it was Cushing's. We are going to try a course of Xeno and if his coat doesn't look better in four weeks, to bring him back. Socks was so well behaved 🤗 No vertical take offs, no teeth chattering, no biting or warding off of any kind, just sweet, good manners ❤️

Socks: I went somewhere with Mom today. At first I was a bit restless, but then, as it was midday, I burrowed into the bedding in the guinea pig size carrier and went to sleep. I slept through the noise of the traffic and the sound of the bus. The was a bit of some business with a lady who looked at my teeth, listened to my heart beating, and turned me upside down. Not something to that often happens to me! Mom put me back in my carrier and it I dug myself down firmly into the bottom of my carrier to make sure no one did any more inspecting and went back to sleep. Mom put some wet, smelly, sticky goo on my neck and cleaned out the soiled bedding in my nest.
Mom: Socks has gone back to sleep! I'm going to celebrate with a squirt of valerian spray!