Something next to hamster’s eye


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We are wondering if this little thing next to his eye is something to be concerned about or will it go away? Tried to get a good picture…
Thank you for any help with this!


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Hello and welcome to the forum.

It looks like some kind of a growth on your hamster's eye but i don't know what it is.

I'd get him checked out by a hamster knowledgeable vet who should be able to tell you what it is, if it's likely to grow bigger and what to do about it.

That's what i would do anyway.
Hello and welcome. It looks like a bit of a wart or lump. Whether it's infected or not it's hard to tell. It would be a good idea to have a vet have a look to decide whether or not it might need antibiotics or some other treatment. As you say it's quite close to the eye. It might not be bothering him at the moment, but it would be better to get it looked at now in case it gets bigger (ie treatment may prevent it getting bigger). The other reason it would be good to get it checked by a vet is, even if it doesn't seem to be bothering him, hamsters can hide pain and discomfort, because they are prey animals. How old is he? If he is getting older, they can get all kinds of things, which may be benign or just causing some discomfort, but they may need to be on some pain relief. Metacam is the one usually prescribed, and this also helps shrinks growths (it's an anti inflammatory).

He looks in good condition otherwise, from what I can see :) . If you google exotic vets in your area, that is the best bet - an exotic vet knows a lot more about hamsters. Do let us know how you get on.
Hello and welcome to the forum.

It looks like some kind of a growth on your hamster's eye but i don't know what it is.

I'd get him checked out by a hamster knowledgeable vet who should be able to tell you what it is, if it's likely to grow bigger and what to do about it.

That's what i would do anyway.
Thank you for the help! we will be getting him checked out and I will let you know what the vet says.
He's not very old then :) I am sure the vet will help - it's best to nip these things in the bud before they could get worse, so you did right to check. It might not get any worse, but the vet will know that more. He is absolutely gorgeous - a lovely colour. Do let us know how you get on. A vet consultation is not expensive usually - mine charges about £22. If they need any medication that would be extra.

It would be good to hear what happens!