Stained back end


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So as some of you know, I've a little 3 year old dwarf hybrid, Orsa.
She is on metacam (0.02ml once a day) and baytril (0.02ml twice a day) for the remainder of her life.

Lately she has developed very slight staining around her back end. It doesn't smell and her abdomen doesn't seem swollen or painful, but obviously pyometra is a concern.
I dont think its poop as they're still firm pellets but obviously being on baytril the occasional soft poop is a possibility and I'm just not seeing it, it may be urine but she isnt wet so any incontinence isnt severe if that's what it is..

Obviously given her age I'm weighing up the stress of a vet visit vs the necessity of having this seen to avoid any potential suffering.

Just wondering if anyone had any insights, opinions etc. Unfortunately it hasn't been easy to get a decent picture of, this is the best I could manage.

It doesn’t look too bad. If she is ok in herself I would observe for a bit and see if it goes away or carries on.
Doesn't look too bad to me either. Orsa is on metacam and baytril already so i don't think there's anything else the vet could do at this point. Maybe the baytril is giving her a little diarrhoea inbetween normal bowel movements.
That's only my opinion of course.
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Good point. If she's already on meds. How long has she been on the Baytril? Also are you giving her the probiotics? It's possible the baytril is getting too much for her and affecting her gut. Other than that - I think it's normal for older hamsters to be a little bit incontinent sometimes - like humans! Just see how it goes.
I agree it doesn’t look too worrying, if they’re on the meds for a prolonged period it’s likely to have an effect on the gut, so it’s pros & cons really, as she seems to be doing well in general with the meds unless it gets worse I wouldn’t worry too much.
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Thanks guys! Yes she's on the liquid probiotics from rat rations (can't remember the name now!)

I had an appointment with the vet today anyway with my 2 lethal white guinea pigs, so I figured while I was there I would book an appointment for her, last I heard they were understaffed so getting an appointment can be a pain.

So, shes booked in for the 26th, but of course if she doesn't need to go when that comes around I can always cancel it, or more likely, swap it to one of the other animals 🤦‍♀️ but at least its there if necessary so I can stop worrying about it.
I thought she was :-) Dr S.