Still unwell


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Apologies for being a bit quiet at the moment. We still have really nasty bugs with high fevers which wipe you out. OH had it first and got better then got worse again so we're muddling through!

I'm popping on occasionally and hopefully will be back to normal soon!
Apologies for being a bit quiet at the moment. We still have really nasty bugs with high fevers which wipe you out. OH had it first and got better then got worse again so we're muddling through!

I'm popping on occasionally and hopefully will be back to normal soon!
You do so much for us, hamsters and humans! We really appreciate everything you do. I hope this nasty bug packs its bags soon! Take care!
Oh no, so sorry to hear this, there are some nasty bugs about at the mo. Hope you feel better very soon. Take care.
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I hope you feel better soon! ❤️‍🩹 Take a rest!!!
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Got quite a bit better and got worse again! Ugh. Some nasty bugs around. OH is still bad too. It's the cough and fever :rolleyes:
These bugs do seem to take ages to go, try to get some rest if you can & 🤞 you’ll beat it soon.
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It sounds horrible! Roll on warm weather and summer days!
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It's very annoying to as so many things I need to do!
Dang! My lungs are currently protesting with the temperatures up and down like a yo yo! 20 degrees last weekend, and 8 degrees at the moment 🙄 Wishing you a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹
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Yes, all this random weather is not helping with the bugs. Really hope it passes for you both soon. 🙂
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Stepson had it for five weeks! Before we got it. He’s still coughing but better now. Hopefully it’ll be gone soon if we’re both on our second wave.
Over the worst of the bug but still a bit ropey!
Good to hear it's departing. Come on, bug, get going!
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Don't do too much too soon take care of you hope you will feel 100% soon