
I forgot about finacard! That's a good idea. Thanks Maz.

Btw, i don't use snowflake or petshop own brand wood shavings around the wheels and don't ever use scented substrate.
I use Kaytee clean and cozy everywhere else.
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Oh I know I was just rambling on about different types of wood shavings. The chipsi beech ones look good too.
That little minx Lilly is the only one who has to dig under her wheel. A platform is the way to go but the Hamster Heaven is so low. I considered moving her into an Alaska but dismissed the idea when i watched her climb up the bars. I can see another diy project coming on.
That little minx Lilly is the only one who has to dig under her wheel. A platform is the way to go but the Hamster Heaven is so low. I considered moving her into an Alaska but dismissed the idea when i watched her climb up the bars. I can see another diy project coming on.
Lilly is keeping you on your toes!
Yes. I'm now thinking of adding extra height to the middle section of her HH, then put her wheel on a platform and add more substrate so little madam can burrow across her cage without her wheel ending up like the tower of Pisa.
I think she will love that.
Hi all, hope it’s ok to post this under substrate. My new bag of bedding has been awful this time. Not only have I found a rather sharp item in it 🤦‍♀️ (so pleased I did, think hams could’ve been really hurt as it wasn’t small!). I’m also noticing it isn’t soft like the other bedding I’ve had, it’s rather compacted and hard.

Do you think I could’ve caused this by freezing it? It’s not happened before but I did leave this batch in the freezer for the week and I’m thinking maybe it has kinda moulded itself together as it’s the soft paper type bedding that expands out of the packet, I’ve already reported the issue of the sharp item as could be a batch issue or just a one off. In the meantime I’m literally filtering through it myself in super small sections until a new bag arrives. I always pull the stuff apart with my hands to check before putting it in anyway, but has anyone else ever found random stuff in the bedding. This looks like crushed can.
I don't think freezing would have caused it but i've never frozen paper based bedding myself.
Which substrate is it? Is it teabag bedding?

I've never had contaminated substrate but found a dried chilli in a dwarf mix once.
Which one is it Zara? I don't think freezing would affect it once it's defrosted. I've frozen paper bedding before and it's no different afterwards.
I doubt freezing would do that too, sounds more like a bad batch, which brand is it? I’ve had some fitch that seemed really hard in the past.
I froze all Orkos bedding and it has been totally fine. Sounds like this is a bad batch. I hope you can get a refund.
I don't think freezing would have caused it but i've never frozen paper based bedding myself.
Which substrate is it? Is it teabag bedding?

I've never had contaminated substrate but found a dried chilli in a dwarf mix once.
Wow, a dried chilli, just as well you spotted that!

I use Kaytee just the plain white. This is only my 3rd bag the first two were fine. Supplier has offered a replacement/ refund, I’ve gone for a refund as I ordered this one via Amazon for speed. Not sure if this is allowed but here’s what I found, it’s the fact it’s so sharp.

Thanks for all the responses. I’ve no doubt it’s just an unfortunate one off and it won’t put me off buying the same brand, I’ll just be super, super careful in checking all the bedding thoroughly as I pop it in 👍


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Looks like a piece of metal. Who knows how that got into it. Could be a piece of machinery. Lucky you spotted it.

Good thing about Kaytee is that it needs fluffing up so we would notice a foreign body in it.

Glad it didn't put you off. It is a good substrate.
Gosh, it is lucky you spotted that. I wonder how that got in there. I am glad you are getting a refund.
I thought it looked like a leaf! But does look like it's made of metal. I would write to Kaytee and tell them and send them a photo of that. They need to check their quality control (and they may well do so). You might also get some compensation, but the main thing is, if they don't know, it might happen again. It shouldn't happen.

I still prefer Fitch anyway :-) Although I ordered a new bag two weeks before Christmas and it hasn't appeared yet!
I ordered it from Amazon and its showing as despatched and lost in the post! And now unavailable on Amazon. I was looking at small pet select bedding on Amazon which is apparently very like Fitch - unbleached paper. Can't work out how expensive it is in comparison though. It's about £24 for 56 litres and £45 for 178 litres. I was paying about £23 for 10kg of Fitch. They say the 178 litre weighs 10 to 12 lbs which is only about 5.5kg and twice the price! But maybe its about expansion rather than weight? ie does anyone know - is the weight of compressed bedding lighter than the weight of uncompressed bedding? I wouldn't have thought so.
I ordered it from Amazon and its showing as despatched and lost in the post! And now unavailable on Amazon. I was looking at small pet select bedding on Amazon which is apparently very like Fitch - unbleached paper. Can't work out how expensive it is in comparison though. It's about £24 for 56 litres and £45 for 178 litres. I was paying about £23 for 10kg of Fitch. They say the 178 litre weighs 10 to 12 lbs which is only about 5.5kg and twice the price! But maybe its about expansion rather than weight? ie does anyone know - is the weight of compressed bedding lighter than the weight of uncompressed bedding? I wouldn't have thought so.
I also noticed it is unavailable on Amazon but still on the Fitch website. If you contact Amazon then the seller will refund you as it must be lost.

I have heard mixed things about pet select such as it does not hold burrows well but I do not know how true that is.

According to my partner the weight of compressed is heavier as you can git more into a small space. He says uncompressed is lighter as it contains more air.
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Ok - I was looking at the Amazon reviews of the Small pet select bedding and people seem to think it's better quality than Fitch. I looked on their website and there are two types of paper bedding - standard and soft. Can't see any difference in the description or price! Except one is softer. The standard one does sound like Fitch - recycled food grade paper. I might try some - if it works out as economical. Yes I've gone through Amazon assistant and contacted Fitch to ask where it is.

This is the small pet select link

Ok - I was looking at the Amazon reviews of the Small pet select bedding and people seem to think it's better quality than Fitch. I looked on their website and there are two types of paper bedding - standard and soft. Can't see any difference in the description or price! Except one is softer. The standard one does sound like Fitch - recycled food grade paper. I might try some - if it works out as economical. Yes I've gone through Amazon assistant and contacted Fitch to ask where it is.

This is the small pet select link

Ah yes. I saw some people say it is dusty. I think it is no harm to try it. You may love it.