Teddy is bar biting in savic plaza


Hamster Legend
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Teddy has started bar biting this week and it's really worrying me! I added some dangly toys at the end of last week and he chewed all of them to pieces and since then he's been bar biting at least once a night! I have noticed he isn't really using his wheel much though so I wonder if that is contributing? His cage is the right size and full of things to do so I really don't understand it 😞
He has the 28cm wooden trixie wheel, I wonder if a change is in order? Other than that what could I do? He does seem a fairly big Syrian 😬
I have been looking at the bucastate 100cm cage but it's no bigger than what he currently has 🤔 I don't think a wooden cage would be a good idea as he's a determined chewer!
Could he be trying to get your attention? I know my Sydney chews his water bottle spout if I'm in the room seeing to my other Hamster or the guinea pigs and he's decided he'd like some attention.
Could he be trying to get your attention? I know my Sydney chews his water bottle spout if I'm in the room seeing to my other Hamster or the guinea pigs and he's decided he'd like some attention.
Possibly I didn't think of that! He has a bowl rather than a bottle so can't chew the bottle 🙈 he does tend to calm down if I give him a treat though! So it's definitely possible!
Possibly I didn't think of that! He has a bowl rather than a bottle so can't chew the bottle 🙈 he does tend to calm down if I give him a treat though! So it's definitely possible!
My last Syrian Cody (rip) used to bar bite and squeak for attention. He never chewed the bars unless I was in the room and he wanted something. He used to just go about his business and run on his wheel etc. They are funny animals, so much character
If something has just set him off, has anything happened recently? It can be triggered by something - eg after some cage cleaning. Or as Wren says, maybe just to say hey I want to get out.

Raffy doesn't bar chew but if he saw me in the room when he was up and I wasn't giving him attention, he would start bar biting in the top corner of the cage, just to say hey I want to come out now and you're ignoring me.
If something has just set him off, has anything happened recently? It can be triggered by something - eg after some cage cleaning. Or as Wren says, maybe just to say hey I want to get out.

Raffy doesn't bar chew but if he saw me in the room when he was up and I wasn't giving him attention, he would start bar biting in the top corner of the cage, just to say hey I want to come out now and you're ignoring me.
I wonder if it could be related to the fireworks and also the new toys I added (which didn't last 2 minutes)
Yes it could be something that has scared him as well, like fireworks. I hope it settles down.