Thunderstorms and fireworks


Hamster Custodian
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How are your hammies with thunder and fireworks? Just wondering with fireworks season approaching. We have had thunder this afternoon. I haven’t heard a peep out of Blossom so she doesn’t appear to be bothered. No fireworks as of yet! 🌩️⚡🎆🎇
I think it depends on the hamster. Some don't seem bothered and some are.
There isn't a lot you can do particularly except try to avoid the noise - keeping curtains closed, maybe having the TV on.
We have a Syrian and he didn’t seem concerned by them last year. We kept the curtains closed and the TV on 👍
Thunderstorms have never bothered any of my hamsters.

Fireworks it really depends on the hamster & how loud & close they are, if they are bothered they usually just burrow down & stay in the nest, I haven’t had any particularly stressed when it’s over.
My previous hamster was a robo and fireworks did not bother him at all. He loved storms and came out when he heard one. :)

I do not think my current hamster (a dwarf) has heard any fireworks yet but thunder does not bother him.