Tino's thread

Aw, he is just adorable! It was cute when he walked over your hand when he was in the bath. I laughed when he went down the sofa cushion. He is beautiful. :)
Tino's big adventure ❤️🐹. He is a good looking ham, strong with lots of vitality! His dark fur on the top of his head looks like he's wearing a little flat cap, so cute! He's going to be taking over the TV remote next! I hope he is safe back in his cage soon. Come on Tino, time to go back to your nest!
Good luck with catcing the little rascal! Hope he goes back into the cage ok & settles down again.
Lovely to see him in the videos, he does still look a bit timid & cautious but still early days.
Aw, he is just adorable! It was cute when he walked over your hand when he was in the bath. I laughed when he went down the sofa cushion. He is beautiful. :)
Yes he managed to get right down under the sofa cushions and into a litte alcove behind the seat and back cushions! I had to lift the seat cushion off and then he walked into the tube again.

It just goes to show they vary so much. Pickle used to be like this - timid and want to hide in something all the time and would climb the back of the sofa but would never jump off! Even Raffy won't jump off the sofa! So I underestimated him.

The new playpen should be here soon but the bathtub is a bit cosier.

I forgot to mention (as it all happened fast), he did actually sit on my knee for a bit - where he landed after running out of the tube just above my knee and I tried to enclose him with my arms and tempt him back in the tube but - he'd had a taste of freedom!

Elusive I think it might be a case of leaving him to settle for a few days once he's back in the cage and starting all over again.

We don't want to try moving the sofa during the day as it might frighten him and him run and hide somewhere more inaccessible, so probably better to wait till tonight, put his cage down near the sofa and go to bed early.

I did hear a noise before I went to sleep last night and went down to see if he was in the bucket but it was still set up with the ruler in place. It occurred to me he might have been having a go on Raffy's wheel which is on the floor under the coffee table! So I will take those things up this evening as well then the only wheel will be the one in his cage on the floor and he will smell his nest and his food and water will be in there.

I'm pretty sure he's still under the sofa or he would have taken some of the nibbles from the bottom step and not just in front of it right next to the sofa. Sneaky!
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I had something similar with Pickle once who was out two nights. He was very good at hiding. They can get a bit wild after two nights of freedom! So he’ll need to settle down again.

He certainly seems more curious and confident than he was two weeks ago. I think it’s just people he’s not keen on yet. But I forgot to mention - he was very easy to stroke while out and not bothered by that at all. But not keen on attempt to pick him up and didn’t want to go too fast too soon.
Oh my goodness, Tino’s Big Adventure indeed! He’s looking so good and big already!! So good to see him looking that little bit more confident, it was so cute when he climbed over your hand in the bathtub.

Honestly it’s the shy ones you have to watch out for isn’t it!? Rory moves so quickly sometimes I quite literally miss him within the blink of an eye and he can go from one side of his enclosure to the other in a millisecond! It actually blows my mind, I’ve never known Syrians especially could move sooo quickly!

I hope you get Tino back home safe in his enclosure soon. But good he can’t go out of the room at least!
I wonder if Raffy knows Tino is running wild 🤔
I can just imagine Raffy plotting his next adventure 🐹🤔

Raffy: who's that running on my wheel?
Maz you've forgotten to put Tino back in his cage.
It's not fair I don't get to free roam for this long and I'm over 2 years old.
Right that's it I'm going to hide the next time I'm out free roaming 🐹
Actually it meant Raffy couldn’t come out last night and he was going a bit bonkers climbing the bars as he could see is there doing the books for the bucket trap. But eventually gave up and ran on his wheel.

Hopefully it won’t give him any ideas!
You’re right, it’s the shy ones you have to watch out for! The two most active ones I’ve had would happily come back or walk into a tube.
You’ve been spoiled by Raffy just walking into his tube 😉
Tino’s Big Adventure is all very well, but it is rather stressful while an escaped hamster is at large.
I can still remember a couple of occasions from some years ago now….
Hopefully all will be ok later on tonight and the rascal will succumb to the tempting treats on the bucket trap.

Are you able to see underneath the sofa? I assume not
Yes, hopefully you’ll be able to get a good nights sleep tonight if you manage to get Tino back in his cage 😴
Tino’s Big Adventure is all very well, but it is rather stressful while an escaped hamster is at large.
I can still remember a couple of occasions from some years ago now….
Hopefully all will be ok later on tonight and the rascal will succumb to the tempting treats on the bucket trap.

Are you able to see underneath the sofa? I assume not
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for tonight or it could start to get stressful yes! But one thing at a time. Mind you I remember someone who had two robos loose in the house for a few weeks and had great difficulty catching them. They'd not be able to find them then one would suddenly whizz across the room and disappear again. They did get caught eventually.

The sofa is really very low to the ground at the front and even if you got on your hands and knees to look under it, you can't really see anything - low and pitch dark. I have a feeling his still under there though and probably fast asleep. He did sleep quite late, as you could see by that stretch on the first bathtub video!
Yes, hopefully you’ll be able to get a good nights sleep tonight if you manage to get Tino back in his cage 😴
Well if I can stay awake long enough upstairs, and rearrange the nightcam, I could see if he goes in the cage and then quietly go down and close the cage door. But he sometimes doesn't get up till about 3am so I might not see it. I'll try setting notification pings for movement on the app to wake me up! He might just stay in his cage till morning if he goes back in it, or he might just go in for food and water and a run on his wheel and then leave it again! Hence shutting the door if he goes in would help.

We'll still leave the bucket trap out as well.

If both of those options fail we might have to just go round turning the room upside down and use a fishing net possibly!