I was having breakfast this morning when I heard a strange rustling noise coming from Toby's cage, like a plastic bag. I thought maybe I'd left a bag of something on top of the cage and he was trying to pull it through the bars. I went over to the cage, and no, he was actually on top of his cage, stuffing his cheeks in a bag of sprays. At first I was baffled how he could have got out but then I realised I had hooked one side of the door over only one bar. It's a silly mistake as I've known for ages that those cages need to have the door hooked over two bars. I can't think how I missed that, but at least Toby is safe thanks to his greed.
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Here he is demonstrating how he escaped. I just love the look on his face when he realises I'm there.
His cage really isn't big for him anymore so he's going to be getting a bigger one very soon.