Toilet 🚽


Hamster Custodian
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I’ve been away for a few days and come home to find that Blossom has chewed off the corner of her plastic corner toilet 1f60f.png Does anyone have a suggestion for a non plastic toilet? She has only been using it for a couple of weeks, but seems to now be in the routine of using it which is helpful for cleaning, but I can’t let her chew on plastic.
Rodipet do a ceramic corner toilet, might be a bit expensive with delivery but they are quite good.

I have one of the Rodipet ones and a plastic one. No it’s not great if she is chewing the plastic one. The postage from Rodipet is usually the same whether you buy one item or quite a few items - although not suggesting you go on a spending spree!
Rodipet do a ceramic corner toilet, might be a bit expensive with delivery but they are quite good.

Ooh, I’ll have a look 👀
Hmm yes…postage is somewhat pricey 💰💰💰 It does look like what she could do with tho 😏
You could actually use any ceramic dish as a toilet. The advantage of the specific toilets is they are corner shaped and higher at the back so the pee stats on the toilet and they fit in a corner (either of the house or the cage). I don’t know about female Syrians but I find males tend to pee in the very back in the corner.

She may have just chewed it because you were away.
It’s probably worth getting the Rodipet one - the price is quite low really so even with postage it’s cheaper than some ceramic items on Amazon. Postage used to be about £8 - is it the same now?
It’s just over £12 pounds now.
Eek. I make it £11.29 at current conversion rates plus £7 for the toilet so £18.29. However the Syrian sized one is out of stock.

I think I have a spare one you can have - I’ll check - I had two and use the plastic one with Raffy as he doesn’t chew it. Mind you - posting something breakable in the U.K. would probably cost £5 anyway!
Eek. I make it £11.29 at current conversion rates plus £7 for the toilet so £18.29. However the Syrian sized one is out of stock.

I think I have a spare one you can have - I’ll check - I had two and use the plastic one with Raffy as he doesn’t chew it. Mind you - posting something breakable in the U.K. would probably cost £5 anyway!
That would be great if you would have a look. My husband is an antiques dealer and posts ceramics frequently…so long as it’s packed in bubble wrap or paper inside a box it should be fine. Happy to pay £5 postage.
So I’ve covered the chewed bit at the back of the toilet with cardboard for now…and right now Miss B is studiously chewing and shredding the cardboard 😏 She is such a monkey!! 🙈 🙉 🙊
I was incorrect - Raffy has the ceramic one in his house. I did find the other one but will need it for his shelf as he’s started peeing on his shelf recently (in his old age). I had planned to put a plastic one on the shelf and just tried it this afternoon but that isn’t going to work out as it will get kicked over. The second one is also stained. So I’ve just put that in this afternoon. If the plastic one had worked on the shelf I could have sent you the other ceramic one).

I apologise for that. You could email Rodipet and ask when they’ll be back on stock.

What type of plastic one is it she has at the moment? Niteangel do a hard acrylic corner toilet but I think that is quite a bit more expensive than the Rodipet one.
I think I was getting my Syrians muddled up - it was the last one had the plastic toilet when I couldn’t get hold of the ceramic one. 🙄
I also remember why I didn’t give Raffy the plastic one - after he chewed off all the cardboard round his cage.
I've removed the plastic toilet for now 😏 I'll check out the acrylic options, or see if I can find a smallish glass or ceramic dish aa an alternative.
Hi, we have a plastic one so I can't personally recommend these but if your looking for a cheeper alternative there are a few ceramic corner dishes in Amazon that might be with a look. This one is a probably a bit small but there are a few options out there that might do the job 🙃.

Could be worth looking through what was originally designed to be a "chips and dip" type bowl as well.

Hi, we have a plastic one so I can't personally recommend these but if your looking for a cheeper alternative there are a few ceramic corner dishes in Amazon that might be with a look. This one is a probably a bit small but there are a few options out there that might do the job 🙃.

Could be worth looking through what was originally designed to be a "chips and dip" type bowl as well.

Ah yes, that's rather more like it! Tbh I don't want to be paying a fortune for it! Funnily enough, I was thinking of those chip and dip bowls too lol. I'll have a search tomorrow.