UPDATE: Lump on scab ear


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If you read my previous post it was about my hamster Skittles having a lump by her ear that had a scab. I was actually able to get her in the next day after I posted, saturday the 14th. At the vet they found that she had a tumor that was cancerous. The vet told me I had two options which were to put her down or take her home for a little until she got vertigo and would have to be put down. She said surgery wasn’t an option as it’s a difficult thing to do on hamsters and would require taking her whole left ear off. I made the very difficult decision to put skittles down. It was so hard and it still is so hard I haven’t touched her enclosure since. It also hurts more that she passed away exactly two months after my other hamster. I was able to take her home, get her paw prints and bury her next to her sister Scout (my other hamster). It’s been so difficult and it’s weird the emptiness I feel without her or scout. Many of you were so kind to send positive wishes so I thought I would update you.
I’m so very sorry, it’s such a hard decision to have to make but you did the right thing for her & try to take comfort knowing she’s at peace now.
I totally understand how hard it is both having to have a precious ham pts & also losing two so close together, back in September I lost two within the space of five days & it is totally devastating, my heart goes out to you.
Take your time with her enclosure, you’ll know when you’re ready to tackle that, there’s no rush, some people cover them for a while, I prefer to leave mine for sometime feeling there’s still a connection to them somehow but there’s no right or wrong way to grieve for a lost hamster, just take your time & do what feels right for you.
Run free & play well at the bridge little Skittles ❤️🌈
I am so sorry for the loss of both of your hamsters, I cannot imagine how t scary that must’ve been to loss them so close to one another.

Thank you so much for your comment, you have me in tears. I find it comforting that you went through the same thing and took your time with their enclosures. I just feel such a big connection with both of their enclosures and I don’t want to get rid of that connection to them. Thank you so much and your last sentence is kind and I appreciate it more than you know, truly in tears over how kind you are.
Thank you & you’re very welcome.
Sometimes it helps to write a memorial for your hams when they go to the bridge, share your memories, thoughts & feelings, if you’d like to do that there’s a section here on the forum.
Not everyone understands the loss of a hamster but we do here so don’t feel alone.
Bree I am so sorry to hear of Skittles passing. You made the kindest decision for little Skittles. It is so painful that this happened so close to loosing Scout.

I totally understand how you suddenly feel empty. Thank you for letting us know what happened.
I am so sorry and big hugs 🫂. When I have been through this I find it helps to put a blanket over the cage or it’s too upsetting to see - until you feel the right moment to tackle it. Don’t push yourself too soon. There is also a section on here about bereavement- I’ll link it. When our first Syrian had to be pts and the vet wasn’t particularly nice I was also devastated and I did end up contacting the blue cross pet bereavement service - they are very good and email back and forth. I hope your vet was kind.

You have done the right thing out of love and care and your hammy is free from pain and suffering now. But it is very hard for us and leaves a big hole in our lives. It can also help after a little ceremony or to plant something in memory.

What helped me most was getting another hamster. Some people want to do it straight away - I needed to wait a few weeks. It helps to get one slightly different. A different colour or even species. They all have different personalities and you sound like a caring owner a hamster would be lucky to have. I found a new whizzy baby made me laugh again and needed me. But maybe it’s a bit soon for you to contemplate right now.
I am so very sorry for your loss and i know how you feel only too well.

You saved your hamster from pain and discomfort but knowing that doesn't make it any easier.

In time your grief will ease but the sadness never goes. We will always wish they were still here and miss them.

I'm sorry, i'm probably not much help having lost hamsters myself not long ago.

We all deal differently with our hamsters belongings. Do what feels right for you.

Remember that people here know how hard it is to lose a hamster. Feel free to talk about what you are going through. It helped me a lot when i lost my first hamster and was taken by surprise at how attached i had become to this little creature.

They do capture our hearts.