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I was thinking of getting a large wheel for the playpen - Tino is huge. He has his 12" silent runner in his cage but I wanted something bigger than the 28cm trixie wheel for the playpen and ideally deeper. There actually aren't that many that are 12" or more and deep as well. I notice the Niteangel supersilent wheel has a 12.8" version and that sounded ideal - until I saw the price - £69.95 !!! I know they're expensive (due to being imported from the US) but I'm not spending that on a wheel! The 11" one is about £54 which is still a lot. So maybe just a different 12" wheel then!

My favourite was the 32cm Rodipet wood and cork wheel (and I thought it was bad enough spending £45 on that!) which used to be Raffy's but I'd been planning on giving that to Higgins in his cage as he currently only has the 28cm trixie wheel - which is ok but doesn't spin as well as a silent one and doesn't sit as high as I'd like it to (tied to the bars).

Trixie do a 33cm one - but it doesn't look very deep - I think Socks Mum has one - can you measure the depth please? :)

I noticed when Tino was in the playpen the other night that the 27cm Getzoo wheel really isn't deep enough for him! He's so chunky. It's not big enough either. It's more like a 10.5" wheel - which is ok for the playpen but - he's got quite a bit bigger! His old playpen wheel - the Carolina Storm wheel - is also only 10.5" but at least is nice and deep.

Hence thinking about a bigger playpen wheel. I like an open wheel in the playpen really rather than the ones with holes in - so I can see the hamster!

Tic Tac do a 12 plastic bucket wheel (and also a 13.5" plastic bucket wheel!) which is deep - that's £45. Thinking about that. I'm not keen on the smooth surfaces as nothing to grip when they run.

Getzoo do a 32cm wood and cork wheel but I sent for one of those before and thought it was quite smelly! As in strong fumes - which didn't wear off after two weeks so I sent it back again. Not sure if it was wood glue or something?

I do wish Rodipet still made wood wheels!
Niteangel do have a wood and cork wheel that is 11.6" and that is less than the perspex one (although still £53!). It looks identical to my old rodipet one as has no lip at the front. However some of the reviews say the bearings break quite quickly which doesn't sound positive! When you've spent all that on a wheel. As it's the right size and depth though, I might risk that - at least if it's from Amazon, they should replace it if it breaks! But I'll wait to hear from Socks Mum about the depth of the 33cm trixie wheel. I'd rather have a cheaper wheel for the playpen.

I then thought maybe I should just use Raffy's old 33cm Rodipet wheel in the playpen and get a different wheel for Higgins instead - except I can't because I sawed the stand off the base so it would fix to the bars :ROFLMAO:
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Ah, the issue of wheels, yes, tricky. The Trixie style wheel I bought was an EBay sale and deteriorated so quickly that I did wonder if it was genuine. It started nodding so we went back to Socks’ Roly. Unfortunately I ran out of storage space so binned it ☹️ but I’m not sure if it was a real Trixie wheel or not. I can’t remember the dimensions. It was at a reduced price, so might have been defective.
Oh shame about your giant trixie wheel - it could well have been genuine as they are quite flimsy and the bigger one has more strain to take.

Than you got the link but I’ve personally vetoed the Kaytee Silent Spinner for almost a decade 😊. It used to be popular (despite “silent “ being a misnomer) but not the best running track which could crack or ties get caught between the track and the back part. And then it changed manufacture and wouldn’t spin! It was far too stiff and pretty useless. But that was about the time the exotic nutrition dilrbt runners came out so there was an alternative 12” wheel. Not sure if the Kaytee SS has improved since but it’s still the same design and not something I would use personally.

I might try a 33cm trixie wheel - Or I guess I could just use a silent runner in the playpen - although would prefer an open wheel.
Goodness, the KSS does sound rather dangerous 🙁 Yes, perhaps the size and leverage of the wheel was its undoing. It’s difficult to find wheels that are reasonably priced. The P@H wooden wheel was OK but it really did nod badly after a very short time.
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The KSS ended up being the noisy sticker 😀
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Yes the only wheels I've ever had that lasted a long time without issues are the orange 12" silent runners. But I've found the recent ones not quite as easy to put together. I did send for a new one recently, thinking of putting it in Higgins cage, and nearly broke my fingers trying to assemble it! Maybe it was just a one off. The running track seemed too big to fit in the grooves! Still deciding whether to send it back or not. I did get it put together eventually but don't fancy doing it again! I have iffy wrists as well and my wrists can't cope with that too often! Hence I'd decided to give Higgins Raffy's old Rodipet wheel. So need one for the playpen now. The rodipet wheels were very good but not made any more.

It's making me realise I like wheels that don't need assembly now!

I've never used a rodipet Heureka wheel though - I'm just not sure I like the concept. I'd be interested to hear from anyone that's used them for a syrian. I can see they would work for a dwarf but not sure if it would for a large syrian.

Both the wood and acrylic niteangel wheels have quite a few complaints about the bearings breaking quite quickly - and they are so expensive! But I think the bearings are replaceable. Just not sure I want the hassle of having to send wheels back for replacement.

I think there is a shortage of good open wheels in the Uk! The Niteangel ones are imported from the US - which is why they are so expensive! Silent runners are also imported but not so expensive as less special looking maybe - and actually silent runners are not easily available now.

I can see why people like Niteangel wheels though - easy to wipe out and no fiddly assembly. I've almost talked myself into getting one...... but not quite!
Here is Socks' Rolly. It's low tech, but is reliable (touch wood) and could be a handy spare or stand in, not expensive.


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I like the rolly wheel actually - it's just not really any bigger than his current Carolina storm wheel and Getzoo plastic wheel, so I was wanting a 12" or larger one for him :-) I can't quite see the tape measure on the photos. It's supposed to be 27.5cm isn't it?

I have three spare wheels! None of which are larger than 27cm unfortunately - fine for a dwarf or an average syrian for a playpen wheel but Tino is huge!

I have to say the Carolina storm wheel has been reliable but it's noisy when attached to bars and a bit slippery for them to run in. And just not quite big enough for a syrian generally. Raffy had it when he was young and he was a small syrian - it was big enough, although he slithered a bit, but he ran much better in his large rodipet wheel.
Yes, it just sits on 27 cm, so not giant by any means. Companies seem afraid of going any bigger than 11.5". It's strange.
The trixie plastic wheel is 28cm (and I'm still contemplating the 33cm one). 11" is fine for the average Syrian. There never were many 12" ones - except from Germany mainly. Must stop grieving over the no longer produced rodipet wheels!

11.5" would probably be big enough for Tino if the wheel was deep enough so he's got more space on it. 27cm is slightly under 11". The Omlet wheel is also 27cm - it's ok for Higgins but not for Tino. I have written to them to ask them to make a larger version as well as it's a really good wheel! Love it - simple and silent and fixes to bars.


Yes it's fine for smaller or average sized hamsters :-) Tino is huge!
Aha! I forgot about this one. The Kaytee 12" giant comfort wheel. It's basic and noisy I think but should be ok for a playpen - if it spins ok. It's still a ridiculous price for what it is at £24! These used to be about £8 before the pandemic! I'm not sure I want to spend £24 on this. £15 maybe! It also doesn't look that deep. Actually it's deeper than the 33cm trixie - but isn't very stable apparently and wobbles a lot (ie doesn't spin straight). So maybe it's back to the 33cm plastic trixie wheel again. Although that's only £4 less but the devil you know! They are usually quiet. Still not an open wheel but ........

Kaytee 12 inch comfort wheel.jpg

Kaytee 12" comfort wheel
When you say your 33cm trixie was deteriorating and "nodding" do you mean it was hanging forwards on the stand? I guess that could be an issue with the larger dimension and fairly flimsy stand. Reviews sound ok though so I think I'll go for one. Amazon reviewer says it's 9cm deep - which is the same as the silent runner so ok. For an enclosed wheel (they can't topple out!) but for an open wheel it would need to be deeper.

But as I don't want to spend £70 on a 12.6" niteangel open wheel (though it looks great) and it doesn't need to be silent for a playpen - I'll go for the trixie 33cm and save my money! Even though it's not an open wheel. Raffy always had a trixie wheel in the playpen (the 28cm one).
So it's ordered. Amazon delivery was going to be a whole week and you can't choose the colour. I'm not too bothered about the colour except I don't like black! And I don't like the turquoise colour either. And it's pot luck. So I've bought it from this place instead where there was a choice of three colours. Only one colour was in stock (orangey/pink) which looks ok! So I've ordered that. With postage it was about £2 cheaper than amazon as well and 1st class post so should be here in a few days. Although I realise sending it back might not be so easy if it ends up faulty after a couple of months but I'll take that risk! It think it might be the same colour as Higgins 28cm trixie wheel actually although that's definitely pink. Not my first choice there either but better than black!

I paid about £17 for it with postage.

Yes, it was hanging forwards. It is spacious though. Good luck 🛞🤞
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Thank you :-) Was yours attached to the bars?
No, it was free standing as the bars would rattle quite loudly.
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