Which gender for second hamster?


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We are thinking about getting a second hamster (vinter whites). The cages are not going to be in the same room, but i believe the hamsters are still able to smell each other.
We have a male already. Which gender would be best to get for the second hamster, to cause less stress? if it matters at all.
And will they be able to use the same playpen? (not at the same time).
I’ve had both at the same time with no bother at all, I really don’t think it matters.
It might depend on how close the cages are to some extent, i keep mine well spaced apart around the room.
I’ve always kept everything separate including playpens but Beryl’s hamsters, Russians & Syrians, male & female all enjoy the same free roam area & it works fine for them.
I don't think it matters with dwarfs. I currently have a female and a male dwarf living in different rooms but sharing the same lage freeroaming area. Not at the same time of course.

I had two females or two males before, sometimes living in the same room next to each other and haven't come across any problems even then.

All my current hamsters are rescues and people don't always know the sex but with dwarfs i'm happy with either.
If you decide to buy from a petshop, i'd go for a male because petshops sometimes get the gender wrong and put a female in with the males.
I think if the cages aren’t going to be in the same room then it doesn’t matter. Personally I would use separate playpens and their own items in the playpens. Especially if one is male and one is female. The scent of a female in a playpen might drive the make a bit crazy. I think Beryl has a very large free roaming area which maybe makes a difference.
I don't find that dwarfs react at all to the opposite sex either.

It seems to only be Syrians who tend to react. Usually it's males getting wound up by females but sometimes females don't seem to like another female around.