Wigi Update: diet and health


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Hi friends!

I swapped Wigi the hammie’s food from grainy Oxbow ( said to be gentler on the digestive system ) to the Higgins diet formula. There’s corn and seeds. Why the heck did the salesgirl tell me seeds are hard on the digestive track? His poops look better, I’d say. He had harder time pushing out dark stools, now he doesn’t and they are lighter in color ( gross, I know- bleh… but you all have babies and surely you understand)

I’m not sure what’s going on though. He only eats a few pellets, a piece of dried corn, and only but a portion of the seeds.

He’s pretty skinny too.

What could be the matter now? Is it belly trouble? Anxiety? Hopefully not a blockage of any sort or a growth that shouldn’t be.

I know ya’ll said a vet visit should be saved for extreme measures and emergencies…. But what if it’s a growth??

If I could do an ex ray on him myself, I would. And how much does that cost for a little hamster if I feel something is the matter?

Something isn’t right. I feel no masses when I massage him, but I’m concerned!

Thank you, ahead of time …

Sarah & Wigi
Can you post a photo of him? Chinese hamsters can look quite slim but if he's visibly boney, that would suggest he's underweight.

Is he behaving normally and out-and-about in his cage?
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Which Higgins mix is it? Is it the Vita Garden? You're right it does have corn in quite high on the ingredients list. I'll leave the food experts to decide if that's an issue with a chinese hamster or not. However it does need protein supplementing as well and that's an important building block - I believe some US owners give lab block or mazuri rat and mouse. Or you can supplement the protein with fresh food like chopped hard boiled egg a couple of times a week, maybe a quarter of a walnut once a week and you can also get freeze dried chicken bites.

There is not really any good choice for hamster food in the US (there isn't much in the Uk either! We tend to get alternatives from Germany). I know some US owners get some of the Etsy mixes which aren't cheap and although they have a lot more ingredients, some rely on lentils for protein which isn't good either. And you still need to supplement the protein.

Likewise you can get the german Getzoo dwarf hamster food shipped to the US but it's expensive and the protein still needs supplementing.
I think the corn in Vita Garden is okay. I'd say the protein is okay too for an adult hamster. There's no research on how much protein dwarf or Chinese hamsters need, but research in Syrian hamsters suggests that for long term health the minimum amount is substantially less than we think (as low as 12%), and that matches what we know about other rodents. 15% is very reasonable and actually the same as I have in my homemade hamster mixes (both of my hamsters have grown to be quite big and bulky :) ). Feeding a bit extra is also unlikely to be harmful but likely unnecessary. I like to boost up to 16% protein for hamsters under 4/5 months-ish.
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Agree, 15% isn't too bad. Personally I'd want to add a bit of fresh extras for protein, like chopped hard boiled egg a couple of times a week. I thought 18% was needed in the first year of growth. But maybe that's not the same for Chinese and dwarf hamsters.

That's interesting if some research shows less is needed :)
It is tricky getting a good food for hamsters in the US , corn does seem to be quite high on the ingredients lists & it isn’t something I would give to Chinese hamsters.
As Daisy has said there is too little research on protein needs but I tend to go higher, around 18% for young ones & not less than 15% when they get older.
It’s still better than the oxbow but not ideal.
A photo or video would help to get an idea of how healthy he is & whether he is under weight or not.