Wood Green updated guidelines

Wood Green were the ones that stuck with 80 x 50 minimum even when the RSPCA scrapped any cage size guidance. They stuck with that until fairly recently I think, but they were the only animal charity (apart from the Blue Cross perhaps) that had a minimum cage size recommendation for a long time - which helped encourage people into better cage sizes. So good on them for updating their site. So now the Blue Cross, PDSA and Wood Green all say 100 x 50. Whereas the Blue Cross say ideally no less than 100 x 50, Wood Green actually say 100 x 50 x 50 is the minimum size for a Syrian hamster cage - with 1cm bar spacing. And 100 x 50 x 40 is the minimum size for dwarf hamsters - with recommended 6mm bar spacing.

There aren't any cages with 6mm bar spacing that are big enough. And only second hand cages with 7mm bar spacing (which is fine really).