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  • S
    Socks Mum replied to the thread My pigs.
    Ah, I was hoping they might ship to Canada, that's a pity. I think there are some similar ones on the market. Hammocks attached to...
  • jendanger
    jendanger replied to the thread My pigs.
    I will have to check them out! It looks like they don’t ship internationally so I wouldn’t be able to order but at least I have an idea...
  • S
    Socks Mum replied to the thread My pigs.
    The Los Angeles Guinea Pig Rescue is on You Tube and their videos are great, if you aren't already watching them.
  • S
    Socks Mum replied to the thread My pigs.
    I've been thinking of getting one of these if I'm can find them locally 🏡
  • S
    Socks Mum reacted to jendanger's post in the thread My pigs with Love Love.
    I haven’t gone to grab the canvas bottom yet as it was all too large to ship to my acreage so it’s in the city at my mom’s address and...
  • M
    Mishka Chan reacted to jendanger's post in the thread Bit fast but…. with Like Like.
    Yeah I imagine that has something to do with it. He’s already an old man! I like to sleep a lot too in the winter!
  • jendanger
    jendanger replied to the thread My pigs.
    I haven’t gone to grab the canvas bottom yet as it was all too large to ship to my acreage so it’s in the city at my mom’s address and...
  • Maz
    Maz replied to the thread Bucatstate 2.0 or Savic 100??.
    Is anyone currently using the Bucatstate who can comment? :-) @clacombe @thespiffingbrit ?
  • Maz
    Maz reacted to Socks Mum's post in the thread Oaky's Diary with Like Like.
    Lovely to hear about Oaky ❤️
  • Maz
    Maz reacted to Socks Mum's post in the thread My pigs with Like Like.
    Their new home is very smart! It must be nice not to need to sweep up bedding spills all the time. Does the canvas base smell of...
  • jendanger
    jendanger reacted to Socks Mum's post in the thread My pigs with Like Like.
    Their new home is very smart! It must be nice not to need to sweep up bedding spills all the time. Does the canvas base smell of...
  • J
    Jain reacted to Socks Mum's post in the thread Hamster Qs! with Haha Haha.
    I made a rather wobbly cardboard MCH once and although a lot of light got in, Socks liked it. If you are good at crafts, they can be...
  • J
    Jain reacted to Hammy Chum's post in the thread Hamster Qs! with Like Like.
    Thank you! He does seem to really like them. He's been coming out about 9pm at the moment. Sleepy at first for 15 mins then powers up haha!
  • Maz
    Maz replied to the thread Hamster Qs!.
    He's a clever boy :-) I suspect he has learned that if he doesn't chuck out the smelly bedding himself, then someone will invade his...
  • Maz
    Maz reacted to Socks Mum's post in the thread Hamster Qs! with Like Like.
    He's a clever little chap! Yes, a lot of hamsters shove their old bedding out for collection 😉 He will take in fresh bedding, but it...