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Meet snowy

Hello Snowy, you are beautiful.
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Hello Snowy - he's absolutely gorgeous :-) And Snowy is definitely a better name than hamburger for him in my view :-)
Sorry! It's a habit assume the hamster is a he as I have two males 🤣 She's perfect :-) She may be very energetic if she's female! They are notorious for it - but personalities vary and Syrians can be slower than dwarf hamsters sometimes as well. How is Ham Solo doing now?
He's doing well. Still not using his wheel. Do you have any suggestions for things to put in her enclosure? It looks very empty. I got a glass biscuit jar for the sand but it seems to have been emptied out. Any way to stop that?
Which enclosure is she in? And what do you have in it so far? Has she kicked all the sand out of the jar then? 🤣 I think they do that because they're digging to see what's under the sand. Once she realises it doesn't go anywhere she might stop. If you have some quite deep bedding in the cage she will mostly likely dig her tunnels in that and not the sand :-)
She's in the same one as ham solo. The pets at Home habitat 3. There's plenty of room for me to add new things after the wheel arrives today. I am open to suggestions
I gave her a whimzee and it has disappeared. How often is best to find it to take it out for a replacement?
I don't take them out :-) They can be chewed on and off for quite a long time - no harm done.
Welcome Snowy glad you now have a family who will love you
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