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‘pod love!

They are an unexpected & vivid colour! I did manage to find a video of them in their native habit where someone was digging around in the ground looking for them & surprisingly amongst all the vegetation, fallen leaves & rottingn wood they’re barely visible.
They spend a lot of time in the soil too, it’s quite fascinating to watch them through the sides of the terrarium.

They look so busy! I saw one pick up some yellow food and rushed away before they were robbed! What is the yellow food and is the white food, calcium powder?
I just fed them so it was a bit of a frenzy! 😋 The yellow food is bee pollen, they love it, the white is powdered cuttlefish bone so yes it is calcium, they also had fish food which they love too.
More bug love!
Some giant pill millipedes arrived today, they are so cute & very docile.
I took a quick video just to give an impression of the size of them, I did try taking more videos but it took them about an hour to move a noticeable distance 😆 Very relaxing to watch them though.

Made them a nice mossy tank to live in.
Aww, they look like the kind of bugs you see in a cartoon! They are so cute with their stripes! You created such a lovely set up for them. :)
They look really lovely! I hate to say it but they almost look edible, like sweeties! Not suggesting they should be eaten though :) The tank is great. Lucky millipedes.
The millipedes got an upgrade to a 45cm Exo terra! I really love it so I hope they do too, it’s taken me ages to set up, I could have banked the substrate up a bit higher at the back to fill it up a bit but I mixed up so much of the stuff & decided it was probably enough, about 15cm & they don’t burrow much.
It looks a bit bare at the moment but there are two ferns that will grow & make a nice canopy with a bit of time & some of my favourite shingling vines which will spread out to fill the space..

They look very healthy & quickly moved off to explore, well quickly for them anyway still need a time lapse video to see much!

It does look amazing :) exo terra’s are nice - I’m guessing it’s easier than a tank. Is it just the photo, or have the little sweeties got bigger? :)