Chewing bars in a big cage

He is absolutely gorgeous! Love him. He looks very content on the sofa as well. Don't worry if he doesn't dig - it's not compulsory ha ha. But with the 6" in it means he won't need cleaning out as often - just spot cleaning his pee.
I was looking on the site you mentioned and they have some nice things for hamsters like tunnels. I like this cute mushroom hide.
Yes, they have, especially treats and food.
He is absolutely gorgeous! Love him. He looks very content on the sofa as well. Don't worry if he doesn't dig - it's not compulsory ha ha. But with the 6" in it means he won't need cleaning out as often - just spot cleaning his pee.
This is another thing different with him. He pees and poops mostly in the sand, sometimes on the sofa :ROFLMAO: But almost never in the rest of the cage, there are rare occurences when he does it. Past hamsters I had they were peeing constantly I they couldn't go a week without cleaning the corners. And yes, he has water, fruits and vegetables. But he behaves like he just doesn't want to bother anyway most of the time, just a gentle little hamster.
I had a look on the Fressnapf site. They actually sell hemp bedding on there which would be better than softwood shavings. But maybe the post would be expensive?

This is another thing different with him. He pees and poops mostly in the sand, sometimes on the sofa :ROFLMAO: But almost never in the rest of the cage, there are rare occurences when he does it. Past hamsters I had they were peeing constantly I they couldn't go a week without cleaning the corners. And yes, he has water, fruits and vegetables. But he behaves like he just doesn't want to bother anyway most of the time, just a gentle little hamster.
Some Syrians are very tidy like that, and they will usually use a litter tray and the rest of the cage stays clean and dry. But it sounds like he's using his sand bath as a litter tray :)
I had a look on the Fressnapf site. They actually sell hemp bedding on there which would be better than softwood shavings. But maybe the post would be expensive?

Don't remember this in the physical shop, but I'll have a look. It would be ok to buy it and gradually change what he has now in the cage?

And yes, he is basically half cat at this point. And I try to clean the sand as much as I can and change it.

L.E. Past hamster used the sand in the classical way, having their breakdance in the sand to clean their furr, but doesn't do that much, no matter the level of sand. Also, he had at one point a container with some garden soil to dig in. Not interested in that either.
Lol. I find male syrians aren't that interested in sand really - or interested in anything much except food and home comforts :)
These are the toothbrush chews

Found these, the exact ones. He seems to really enjoy them. Got 4 small ones just to try them and one of them is almost done in about 2-3 days. 2 more are hidden around the cage somewhere for him to find and one was given to the squirrels to see if they also enjoy it and yes, they do. Will buy some more, bigger ones. Thanks for the tip, I could never buy dog treats for hamster otherwise
Hi! Today I've some loud (for a hamster) sound coming from the cage and it seemed like a yell. Not sure if it was him having a bad dream or something else. Maybe something just fell in the cage but not sure. Can hamsters have bad dreams and scream when they wake up?
I would be inclined to think he may have fallen. This is the reason one level cages are recommended for hamsters. Have you checked him over?
Yes, he is in his cave, burrowed and there is where he sleeps so no risk of falling. He never slept on other levels, always underground. I know it's not comfy for him but tried to poke him to see if he's alive and he bit the stick, don't want to stress him more than that. Now I hear him eating.
They can have nightmares and bad dreams. If it was during the day while in his nest, that sounds likely.
I am glad he is okay. Perhaps he had a bad dream then.
If he seems ok when he comes out later then have a look over him then maybe :cool:
It was weird, never heard a hamster do that sound before. It was the equivalent of humans waking up without air and screaming for a brief second.
I’ve had that once before - or similar - I was never sure if the hamster had had a bad dream or something else. I had some forage leaves with twiggy bits in the cage so removed that in case it had poked him in the eye or something.

As long as he looks fine now :-)