Chinese hamster cage


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I'm probably getting a Chinese hamster soon (not sure exactly when yet) and I have some questions about housing. It will be a young hamster of 8-9 weeks.

The cage I think will probably be most suitable in the long term is my Mickey 2XL, 80x50cm with narrow bar spacing. I was wondering if those who know Chinese hamsters better think I should I put the hamster directly in this cage or whether they might benefit from something smaller to begin with? I have a Pets at Home standard barred cage of around 60cm that I could use but maybe it's more upheaval than it's worth for the hamster?

In terms of wheels, I have 20cm wheels and 28cm wheels but nothing in between. I will use a 20cm wheel to begin with but am I right in thinking that Chinese being long in the body need something closer to 9 or 10 inches?

I appreciate any advice.
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Lovely to hear you may be getting a Chinesey!
I have used that caga & it’s fine for a Chinese, even a very young one, I wouldn’t start smaller, I have found all of mine love exploring the cage as soon as they arrive & probably need that much space.
The most important thing is to provide lots of cover, hides, cork tunnels, tubes, that sort of thing as they really don’t like open space, probably more so than other species.
They are very agile & will climb the bars but don’t fall like Russian do, I try to provide ledges & shelves for them to climb on & as they don’t seem to chew fabric (always best to keep an eye out all the same though) I use hammocks for mine which they love, females seem to use them more than males but they all like them. I use the Fuzzbutt homer ones for mine.
An 8” wheel would be ok to begin with but they do have long bodies, mine have used the 9” silent runner & that’s worked well for them.
They do burrow a lot! Expect substrate eruptions everywhere. They like the multichambered houses & need deep substrate underneath, as deep as you can go.
I forgot to add, it is a good idea to put houses on stilts & keep anything like the sand bath or other heavy things on shelves.
If you don’t have stilts on the house it will probably end up buried or lying on it’s side or something with all the burrowing! I find dowels make good stilts if you get longer ones.
I am keeping my fingers crossed you get the Chinese hamster! Exciting. I have nothing else to add as Elusive knows more about Chinese hamsters!

Except that the Mickey XL is a great cage - I have one too. It’s such a shame you can’t get them any more.

I have seen various thoughts these days where people have had Chinese in a 100cm or larger cage - but they do need a lot of enrichment.
Good point about the larger cage Maz, I’ve always started mine off in an 80x50 cage & some have moved up to a 100x50 cage when they seemed to really enjoy the space & need more.
With the experience I have now I think I’d be confident starting them of in a larger cage but they seem happy enough in the 80x50, I certainly wouldn’t go any smaller.
Thanks for the advice! I've ordered a Getzoo multichamber house from Amazon (I have lots of hamster stuff but it's the one thing I didn't have). Once I have the cage set up I will probably post here for feedback.
I’m sure they will love that! It will need to be on legs really. If you don’t mind a bit of diy! It’s not difficult though. Especially if I can do it ha ha. I’m not a great diy person.
I use ponal glue like Elusive and have used these dowels. They cut to size quite easily with my tiny handheldsaw. I tend to do one side at a time so the dowels can be left to dry facing up with a book on top to keep them in place. They usually dry firm overnight with the ponal.

Unless Getzoo sell legs for the house?

I actually have a set of Rodipet stilts (I ordered a house + stilts from them once, decided to return the house but for some reason kept the stilts). I don't if those would fit but if not I can find some dowels somewhere.
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That sounds easier :) I’m sure they can be adapted.

I’ve stuffed toilet paper in the gaps on those before if the fit was a bit loose.
I don’t think the rodipet stilts fit the getzoo house, might be wrong but I have a vague memory of trying it once, worth a try anyway.
You can get dowels all sorts of length, I get mine from ebay after having some really rubbish ones from amazon, but can’t remember the seller now, they are easy to cut though, I just can’t saw staight!
Doesn’t matter if the ends are straight 😆 They still stand up ok!
I arranged today to get the new hamster on Friday. He's a male, born on 14th January so will be 10 weeks old this Saturday. He's from an accidental litter.

The Getzoo house arrived yesterday and I love it. It's this one. The photos online make it look smaller than it really is but it's a nice size for a dwarf or Chinese hamster. I found some wooden dowels in The Works today so I've just finished making them into stilts. The Rodipet stilts don't fit because Getzoo houses have thicker walls than Rodipet houses.
Congratulations on your new addition, Daisy. I am so happy for you. I look forward to hearing all about him and the name you choose.
That’s great news, can’t wait to meet the little guy!
I’m not sure from the Amazon page as they do two sizes of that house I think but it looks like the one I use & it is a really nice house.
That's wonderful he's coming on Friday - you must be excited. Can't wait to meet him and see him explore his cage! That house looks great too. Good to know the wood is thicker and the rodipet legs won't fit. I'm sure you'll be busy getting everything ready :)
Great news. I'm looking forward to meeting your new friend 🐹
I've set the cage up. I actually decided to use my new style Grosvenor cage instead of the Mickey because it's slightly taller and the base is more square which makes it easier to set up. It's difficult to take representative photos when there's so much in the cage.

(Lots of photos ahead)
Top view:



Back left corner:

Front left corner:

Back right corner:

Front right corner:


All feedback is greatly appreciated!
That looks amazing! I don't think I know that cage? I know there are two sizes of Grosvenor cage with a removable top, but that one seems to have a front door. Whatever it is I think we need to add it to the cages thread!