Complete the sentence

It’s nearly Easter 🐣 Here’s a new sentence!

Type “For Easter my hamster is planning” then use the middle predictive text button to complete the sentence!

For Easter my hamster is planning on going out for a little while to see the baby so if you’re not busy then you could just go out for dinner with her
For Easter my hamster is planning to be in a wheelchair and he has to go in and take his meds 🤒😷
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For Easter my Hamster is planning to come home with a little bit of money and then go back to school
For Easter my hamster is planning to start a business in his cage and there might be enough money to help with his family

Type ‘For Easter, my hamster would like’ then use the middle predictive text button to complete the sentence.

For Easter, my hamster would like a little more than that and he is very much looking for the perfect hamster for the occasion and he would love it for me too if he can find one of these for him to take home 😍
For Easter my Hamster would like a drink with me if he could get it for free
For Easter my hamster would like to get involved in some events and would appreciate any advice about how much we could benefit the team

Type “To celebrate world hamster day, my hamster is” then complete the sentence using the middle predictive text button.Go!

To celebrate world hamster day, my hamster is going on the road with a new dog !!