Diabetes in Chinese hamsters.


Chinese Whispers
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Early on in the history of Chinese hamster research in laboratories it was discovered that some became diabetic spontaneously rather than as a result of obesity & insulin resistance as in some other lab animals like rats & mice so diabetes is a genetic predisposition caused by a degeneration or reduction in certain cells in the pancreas which produce insulin & is not originally caused by poor breeding practise but it may be that a failure to breed out those with the genetic predisposition has resulted in a higher likelihood of diabetes occurring in pet hamsters.
Laboratory research has also shown that stress can be a factor in the onset of diabetes in Chinese hamsters, they are quite sensitive compared to other species so it’s best to avoid stress as much as possible.
I can’t find the whole article but there is a summary here.

Diabetes is not uncommon in pet Chinese but by no means are all pet Chinese predisposed to diabetes so while there is a good chance a pet Chinese won’t develop diabetes it is worth taking care with diet & keeping a look out for any signs or symptoms of the disease.
They can develop the disease at any age but most often tend to be quite young when the first signs appear.

Diet, diagnosis & measures to help manage health in diabetic hamsters is really very much the same for any species so also applies to Campbell’s Russian & Russian hybrids.

The most important thing is to feed a healthy diet that is low in sugars, even natural sugars like fruit & corn products, most veg are fine even the sweeter ones are ok as an occasional treat as the fibre in them does slow absorbtion to some extent & some like peas are also a good source of protein & all veg contributes micronutrients to a hamster diet.
The second dietary consideration is fat, there is quite a lot of research that shows a low fat diet can be beneficial even when the hamster is predisposed to diabetes or pre-diabetic.
It’s not such an easy thing to do as many of the things they enjoy especially the things we give as treats do tend to be high in fat but it is best to keep the higher fat treats to a minimum as a treat rather than a frequent food.
Animal fats seem to be more of an issue than vegetable fats although both can be contributory factors so things like mealworms & any kind of meat treat (cat chicken treats for example) that are high in fat are best kept to a minimum for healthy Chinese & avoided completely should a hamster be diabetic.

Good protein & fibre levels in the diet will be beneficial.

The first symptom you are likely to see is increased thirst & urine output.
You may also notice the sweet smell of sugar in the urine.
It is important to test the urine to be sure if it is diabetes & if so to check both glucose & ketone levels.
These same symptoms may also be a sign of a urinary infection or a kidney problem so always test & consult your vet. (Even with a diagnosis of diabetes it is important to bear this in mind & if your hamster appears unwell don’t assume it’s just the diabetes but also check for a UTI or kidney issues.)
To test a hamsters urine you need to put them in a clean empty plastic box & wait, if they are peeing frequently it shouldn’t take long but if it takes longer than expected & the hamster shows signs of becoming stressed it’s best to stop & try again later.
A vet will need a urine sample if they’re going to be able to make a diagnosis of diabetes, UTI or kidney issues so it’s best to ask them about this before an appointment.

Other than excess thirst & peeing you may notice an increase in appetite, weight loss & changes in behaviour.

When Chinese are unwell they tend to become quite reclusive even when bonded with their owner & are normally quite interactive, their behaviour & body language shows that they’re feeling vulnerable.

If a diagnosis of diabetes is confirmed always ask your vet for advice, some unfortunately will just say there’s nothing you can do while others will be helpful in giving advice on managing the condition & measures you can take to help your hamster.

Chinese hamsters can live a good life with diabetes & live to a fairly good age so it need not be as dire as it seems if you get a positive diagnosis.
Long term they can develop kidney & heart problems & cataracts so as they get older it is even more important to monitor closely & keep in touch with your vet.

There are no medical treatments for diabetes in hamsters as they are far too small to be able to inject with insulin as a human would be but there are some measures you can take to help.
Always consult your vet first.
If a urine test shows just high glucose & no ketones then fenugreek seeds can be given to help reduce hyperglycaemia, these can be given as dry seeds, a tea made by soaking the seeds in water (I’m really not sure if a. hamster would drink that though) or as sprouted seeds. The safe dose is up to 25 seeds but you would need to proceed slowly with just a few seeds, see if your hamster will take them & keep a check on the glucose levels in the urine tests so you know if you need more or less.
If the urine test shows high ketones without high glucose it’s recommended to give a 50/50 pedialyte water solution to prevent dehydration & maintain energy levels.
If it shows high ketones & high glucose then both the solution & fenugreek seeds can be given.

I haven’t seen this suggested for hamsters but I did come across an interesting article on the benefits of sprouted soya beans as a hypoglycaemic.
As hamsters can & often will eat soya products then this might be something worth considering as a possibly more acceptable & palatable alternative to fenugreek seeds. Sprouting soya beans is also quick & easy to do.

Diet should be high protein, no sugar only complex carbohydrates, low fat & high fibre.
Increasing protein can help with energy levels & weight loss but care should be taken with older hamsters as too much protein can put a strain on the kidneys which will already be working extra hard with the high glucose excretion.
The usual protein supplementary foods can be given, egg white, tofu & plain white chicken meat are all fine.
The pseudograins (buckwheat, amaranth & quinoa) also supply good levels of protein as well as being a good source of complex carbohydrate & fibre so these can be added to the diet quite freely.
My Chinese have all enjoyed just straight unhulled buckwheat but also enjoy it sprouted, they also like sprouted quinoa while not being so keen on the dry seed.
These all make a good porridge too which can help with hydration as well as nutrition.

Keeping fat levels low is hard I know but try to use a mix that isn’t too high in fat (they vary a lot) & avoid too many fatty treats like nuts & some seeds.
Some healthy fats are essential but these should be present in a good mix.
Flax seeds are a good source of healthy fats as well as extra protein & fibre & with the health benefits they offer are a good food to use in moderation.
I’ve read several articles on dietary fats & diabetes in Chinese hamsters but found this one the most informative (& readable!).

Most hamster mixes along with some veg will provide adequate fibre so it’s not really something you have to adjust yourself.

Every hamster is an individual so each will differ to some extent when unwell but i hope this general overview will be of some help as a starting point for anyone who’s hamster does develop diabetes.
Thank you elusive, that is really helpful. Particularly as you say, there is a good chance a Chinese hamster won't develop diabetes and watching the diet is a precaution just in case.

There are certain vegetables and herbs that are supposed to help with preventing diabetes as well (on the food article). Parsley is a recent one, and asparagus and artichoke.
Yes, parsley is an interesting one that is quite new to me, I’ve been looking into that a bit & it seems the flavonoid myricetin content gives it the possible hypoglycaemic action, worth a try if a hamster will eat it, I haven’t tried giving it to any, interestingly myricetin levels are even higher in fennel leaves which some will eat but I’m not sure if there’s any clinical or anecdotal evidence on that.
Artichoke has always been ignored by my hams when I tried it but I haven’t tried asparagus.
I think a lot of people don't generally have artichoke or asparagus around :-) It's a less common veg to get. I like the idea of the Rodipet hybrid mix with artichoke in (or is it asparagus!).

My Syrians have always liked parsley - but they like most veg. I used to give it instead of veg one night a week. Just a bit of the flat leaf parsely you get in little pots at the supermarket. I usually managed to keep it growing for a few months before killing it!
What would you say were the best treats then, if avoiding high fat? Apart from flax. Presumably pumpkin seeds are ok.
I tried the Rodipet mix & if I remember rightly they sold the artichoke separately & I tried that too but none of my hams were remotely interested.
I really don’t like parsley so never have it around & haven’t thought to buy it just for hamsters before.

Treats are tricky, if a ham isn’t actually diabetic but you just want to try to keep to a good diet more as a precautionary measure then things like pumpkin seeds are ok now & then & they are a very healthy treat but around 49% fat if I remember rightly.
That’s what I mean about it being hard to keep a diet low in fat!
I do give treats that are high in fat but try to keep it down, sometimes offering some of the tastier seeds from there mix or flax sprays which they love & last longer than just pouching a few seeds, sprouted seeds & grains or pseudograins are really popular with some of the hams & can be tried as a treat, same goes with veg, you can offer that as a treat for taming for instance rather than just routine feeding.
I try to keep the fat level in my mix low enough to allow for a few extras but it’s not so easy with some of the commercial ones although the Little one mix is reasonably low in fat.
Thanks for posting this information. It's very interesting and helpful to know.

I believe one breeder did once try treating a Chinese hamster with insulin and it helped in the short term at least but I'm not sure what the long term outcome was. I do think it would only really be appropriate in incredibly specific cases due to the discomfort involved with daily injections. For example, if my Chinese hamster Leo were to develop diabetes, it would not be appropriate at all even if my vet were willing to try it, because he's not tame enough and it would be utterly traumatic for him.
I remember that too - a breeder who did use insulin. But I think that was fairly unique and I agree that daily injections could traumatise most hamsters.
I remember too although I can’t remember who or much about it.
Even if they were tame I do think it would be extremely stressful for them & have no idea how they would work out a dose for such a tiny animal, so probably hardly practical as well as traumatic.
Is it best not to give Albert anymore nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds?

Is there a list of healthy treats anywhere?
You don’t have to stop giving them Frida, just give things in moderation.
We all want our hams to enjoy life & have special treats, we just have to be careful not to overdo it.
You don’t have to stop giving them Frida, just give things in moderation.
We all want our hams to enjoy life & have special treats, we just have to be careful not to overdo it.
Thank you.

My hubby is the one who sneaks Albert the extra treats. I'll have a word with him.

Are there any other treats you would recommend?
Dried chicken is a good treat, bits of veg too, some people give dried veg but I think they can be a bit high in sugar when dried & quite honestly all my hams have ignored them anyway!
I think the key with treats is variety really if you have quite a wide range of things so they don’t get anything too often it remains exciting for them.
If I give nuts I usually just break off a tiny piece for them.
I have given mine pumpkin seeds, probably too many if I’m honest, and they just tend to pouch them & sit there waiting for more so it’s become just an occasional treat now so it’s a bit more special.

I should probably add that I can’t say with as much certainty about Russian hamsters & diabetes, it makes sense to assume many things will be similar but there isn’t that much evidence, Chinese hamsters have been used extensively in lab research & much as I wish they hadn’t a lot of information is available because of that but Russians haven’t been used in the same way.
Dried chicken is a good treat, bits of veg too, some people give dried veg but I think they can be a bit high in sugar when dried & quite honestly all my hams have ignored them anyway!
I think the key with treats is variety really if you have quite a wide range of things so they don’t get anything too often it remains exciting for them.
If I give nuts I usually just break off a tiny piece for them.
I have given mine pumpkin seeds, probably too many if I’m honest, and they just tend to pouch them & sit there waiting for more so it’s become just an occasional treat now so it’s a bit more special.

I should probably add that I can’t say with as much certainty about Russian hamsters & diabetes, it makes sense to assume many things will be similar but there isn’t that much evidence, Chinese hamsters have been used extensively in lab research & much as I wish they hadn’t a lot of information is available because of that but Russians haven’t been used in the same way.
Thank you elusive 😊
The pumpkin seeds with their shells on are probably a good occasional treat, as it keeps them occupied getting the shell off and then they're happy with just the one pumpkin seed!
I remember too although I can’t remember who or much about it.
Even if they were tame I do think it would be extremely stressful for them & have no idea how they would work out a dose for such a tiny animal, so probably hardly practical as well as traumatic.
It was Vectis Hamstery, although I believe they are no longer breeding. She was very experienced in Chinese Hamsters.