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Hamster Qs!

This is it currently:



(pic has come out a bit stretched, was trying 0.5 size to get it all in! Few close ups of bits too. Its also dark as Im trying to encourage him out haha. Hes currently buried under his nest!

Ceramic bowl for mix and Lord Chum prefers his fresh veggies etc in a silver bowl that ive been removing once he's demolished them (usually as soon as he comes out!)
3 different hidey places
1 nest hide (back left corner) filled with cotton strips (want to update to a two chamber one >
saucer (to go!)
3 level wooden climbing stand
3 x tubes
chew twigs and other things to nibble scatted
brick to climb
(water bottle is on side!)

He loves doing a little assault course through the tubes and popping out different places

Obviously I know we are planning a bigger home soon so just trying to make this one as nice / safe as possible until then.

We've had him from 15th January so 3 weeks x
Those Rosewood tunnels are very nice and tend to be very popular with hamsters. Hamsters can be a bit more skittish at different times of day. For instance, more nervous at dusk as this coincides with the time predatory birds might be most active in the natural environment. Then later on they can be a lot more relaxed. Carrying them in a tube or hamster carrier is good as it prevents them from pinging out of your hands. They can jump straight up into the air if startled, although thankfully they don't often do this. It is good to handle them while sitting down, close to floor level to avoid falls as hamsters aren't good at landings and climbing unlike rats and mice. They are built for burrowing. Your cage is looking great and lots of fun for Chum ❤️
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He has lots to do in there and sounds like he likes the assault course :) I would hold fire on the house maybe until you get the new cage as you might want a bigger house (or might not!). I use a multiroom house - they will often move their toilet place inside one of the rooms and then you can put a litter tray there. They seem to like an ensuite toilet (all in the dark!).

You mentioned some cotton bedding strips. It's best not to use any fabric or cotton, or anything resembling "fluffy" bedding as that can cause issues. If chewed and swallowed it can cause digestive blockages, and cotton threads can get tangled round limbs, cutting off circulation, or round teeth.

It's best to stick to paper for nesting. Just plain white toilet paper torn into strips. They tend to pouch it and take it to the nest.

I can't quite see what's in the far back corner on the first photo - a wood house? I was thinking that might be the best place to put a wheel - at that end of the cage. Maybe the house could be moved where the saucer is now? Or is that where he's nesting? It would be better to leave his nesting area alone and move something else.
Those Rosewood tunnels are very nice and tend to be very popular with hamsters. Hamsters can be a bit more skittish at different times of day. For instance, more nervous at dusk as this coincides with the time predatory birds might be most active in the natural environment. Then later on they can be a lot more relaxed. Carrying them in a tube or hamster carrier is good as it prevents them from pinging out of your hands. They can jump straight up into the air if startled, although thankfully they don't often do this. It is good to handle them while sitting down, close to floor level to avoid falls as hamsters aren't good at landings and climbing unlike rats and mice. They are built for burrowing. Your cage is looking great and lots of fun for Chum ❤️

Thank you! He does seem to really like them. He's been coming out about 9pm at the moment. Sleepy at first for 15 mins then powers up haha!
He has lots to do in there and sounds like he likes the assault course :) I would hold fire on the house maybe until you get the new cage as you might want a bigger house (or might not!). I use a multiroom house - they will often move their toilet place inside one of the rooms and then you can put a litter tray there. They seem to like an ensuite toilet (all in the dark!).

You mentioned some cotton bedding strips. It's best not to use any fabric or cotton, or anything resembling "fluffy" bedding as that can cause issues. If chewed and swallowed it can cause digestive blockages, and cotton threads can get tangled round limbs, cutting off circulation, or round teeth.

It's best to stick to paper for nesting. Just plain white toilet paper torn into strips. They tend to pouch it and take it to the nest.

I can't quite see what's in the far back corner on the first photo - a wood house? I was thinking that might be the best place to put a wheel - at that end of the cage. Maybe the house could be moved where the saucer is now? Or is that where he's nesting? It would be better to leave his nesting area alone and move something else.

Ahhh yes sorry to clarify they're like the toilet paper type strips not cotton! I rubbed it on me and put outside nest too so he could take it in.

Yes the wood house in the corner is his nest (well, he's buried under it). He probably wouldnt take kindly to me moving it. I think the wheel could go on the back wall with some rearranging though? Or the right hand side? I guess will have the extra space from taking out the saucer too so probably floor space will end up the same, it's just height??

He seems to like that the house is smaller for some reason as we did have a bigger one in other corner before - that's why I thought a two chamber one - but would be great to have litter tray in there. I will wait til new cage though.
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The getzoo house is very nice :) There would be a lot more space in a 100cm cage to fill up but if he likes the house, then you could always fill it up with other things :)
The getzoo house is very nice :) There would be a lot more space in a 100cm cage to fill up but if he likes the house, then you could always fill it up with other things :)

Yes I've become an obsessive hamster shopper haha! @Maz I have ordered the Trixie wheel - arrives tomorrow - I think might be ok down the right side of current cage and obviously no saucer will save some floor space.
I do have one other question sorry! Cleaning out. Been scouring advice on here!!

As far as I can tell, he wees on his wheel, and a bit in his nest hut too.

Been going between letting him settle and worrying about ammonia and just his health in general, so so far I've cleaned out his nest twice (since 15th Jan) so about once a week. Quite a lot of poos in there and v small stash. First time I thought his poos seemed a little wetter and were mixed with stash so was a bit worried, but this last week (7 days ago) all poos dry and fine. Been trying to leave as much bedding etc as possible and just kinda picking out all bedding that seems dirty and poos. There's not really a way to leave too much intact though!

Tempted him into his travel cage both times (right palaver trying to get it into cage first while he slept as cant get it through stupid tiny door!). So he couldnt see be messing with it, was quick and didnt touch any of his other cage set up just nest (can spot clean that when hes asleep). He was a bit perturbed the first time he went back in but last time he didnt seem to care less!

Am I doing it right?? Should I be doing it more??

Hopefully with cage change can get litter box in nest but wont be for 4/5 weeks or so at least.
I've linked our cleaning tips article :-)

As for whether to do with the hamster in the cage or out of the cage - there are pros and cons. And some of it depends on the hamster. If you do it while they're out of the cage, they return to find things changed and this can make them reluctant to leave the cage again - guarding!

If you do it in the cage, I find they can see what you're doing and get used to it and accept it, but may follow your hand around anxiously. However some hamsters get so distressed by it that it is better to have them out of the cage! I have one of each! One is better if I do it out of the cage and is quite accepting of the change when he goes back. The other develops stress behaviours if he comes back and finds things have changed and is better while he can see what I'm doing.

And yes hamster shopping can be a bit addictive ha ha. Especially sites like Rodipet. They also have some very nice houses

The ones with the granite tiles on the roof are useful as that is a good place to have a water bowl on or bottle over - it soaks up drips and also roughens their nails every time they go for a drink - which helps prevent their nails getting too long.

However you don't necessarily need a house with a granite top. They sell a separate granite tile you can put on top of any house, and that is what I have.

I currently use the Happy Henry homes large multi room house - which doubles up as a platform as well - but it does need to be on stilts. And to be honest, most houses really need to be on legs/stilts, even if you only have 4" of bedding or they can subside onto the hamster when they dig underneath.

I like the layout of the Happy Henry homes one - but a corner toilet doesn't fit in it! A corner toilet does fit in the rodipet houses (and they make a nice ceramic one but you can get a much cheaper plastic one that also fits on Amazon). Depending whether or not the hamster chews plastic. But the larger rodipet multiroom house, I'm not so keen on the new layout with the corrridor down the middle as that separates the rooms. They are still very nice though!

However, cages are expensive, so a cheaper house might be the best option for now and if he's happy with the current one at the moment .....

Both rodipet and Happy Henry homes sell legs/stilts to fit the various houses. But rodipet legs are only 15cm and HHH have virtually any height you want.

I'm sure Chum will love the trixie wheel! When it arrives, check it's not noisy or squeaky. If it is, then send it back for a replacement! I've never had any issues but some people have.
I made a rather wobbly cardboard MCH once and although a lot of light got in, Socks liked it. If you are good at crafts, they can be made to be quite good quality and of course can be thrown away if soiled or if you get a nicer house. Socks was also rather fond of a Quaker oats box on its side which he customised to suit himself.
And there is also the cardboard shoebox house! Cut the base out of a shoebox, keep the lid for a lift off roof, and cut a hole at one end of one of the long sides for a door (this means the other end is darker and they like nesting in the dark). And put a bendy bridge tunnel over the door - which makes it even darker, they like tunnel entrances and it also gives a ramp onto the roof :-) My last Syrian had one of these until I got him a multiroom house.

With a large house or multiroom house, it gives them separate areas for nesting, hoarding and toiletting - so it doesn't all get mixed up together. It mimics their burrows in the wild so must be a natural instinct to have their toilet in one area, hoard in another and nest in another.
I've linked our cleaning tips article :-)

As for whether to do with the hamster in the cage or out of the cage - there are pros and cons. And some of it depends on the hamster. If you do it while they're out of the cage, they return to find things changed and this can make them reluctant to leave the cage again - guarding!

If you do it in the cage, I find they can see what you're doing and get used to it and accept it, but may follow your hand around anxiously. However some hamsters get so distressed by it that it is better to have them out of the cage! I have one of each! One is better if I do it out of the cage and is quite accepting of the change when he goes back. The other develops stress behaviours if he comes back and finds things have changed and is better while he can see what I'm doing.

And yes hamster shopping can be a bit addictive ha ha. Especially sites like Rodipet. They also have some very nice houses

The ones with the granite tiles on the roof are useful as that is a good place to have a water bowl on or bottle over - it soaks up drips and also roughens their nails every time they go for a drink - which helps prevent their nails getting too long.

However you don't necessarily need a house with a granite top. They sell a separate granite tile you can put on top of any house, and that is what I have.

I currently use the Happy Henry homes large multi room house - which doubles up as a platform as well - but it does need to be on stilts. And to be honest, most houses really need to be on legs/stilts, even if you only have 4" of bedding or they can subside onto the hamster when they dig underneath.

I like the layout of the Happy Henry homes one - but a corner toilet doesn't fit in it! A corner toilet does fit in the rodipet houses (and they make a nice ceramic one but you can get a much cheaper plastic one that also fits on Amazon). Depending whether or not the hamster chews plastic. But the larger rodipet multiroom house, I'm not so keen on the new layout with the corrridor down the middle as that separates the rooms. They are still very nice though!

However, cages are expensive, so a cheaper house might be the best option for now and if he's happy with the current one at the moment .....

Both rodipet and Happy Henry homes sell legs/stilts to fit the various houses. But rodipet legs are only 15cm and HHH have virtually any height you want.

I'm sure Chum will love the trixie wheel! When it arrives, check it's not noisy or squeaky. If it is, then send it back for a replacement! I've never had any issues but some people have.

Thank you again SO much!!
In the current cage we kind of have to have him out of it as I have to lift all the wire top off and I think he'd scarper! so have taken him out and last time he wasnt bothered at all - so hopefully we can work on that!

Is once a week or so ok then for nest area if (a little) wee and poo there?

The wheel is arriving tomorrow so I'm hoping to clean his nest and add the wheel on Monday eve.

Another good tip re the stilts I wouldnt have thought of that!! our current one does dip a tiny bit but I think ok for now.
Yes, once a week is fine for cleaning the nest area. Taking him out while cleaning is a good idea if there is a risk he might escape 🏡
Yes, once a week is fine for cleaning the nest area. Taking him out while cleaning is a good idea if there is a risk he might escape 🏡

Thank you!

Have woken up this morning and it looks like hes pulled a load of bedding OUT of the house in a big pile in front of door?


He's not done that before??

Its made his house tip a bit! He's fast asleep somewhere in there Im assuming but due to be cleaned out tonight. Is he just being industrious??
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He's a clever little chap! Yes, a lot of hamsters shove their old bedding out for collection 😉 He will take in fresh bedding, but it could be good to have a little peep to see if his nest is poopy or smelly. He's growing up quickly 🏡
He's a clever little chap! Yes, a lot of hamsters shove their old bedding out for collection 😉 He will take in fresh bedding, but it could be good to have a little peep to see if his nest is poopy or smelly. He's growing up quickly 🏡

So he's ok yes? That's normal?? Its a big pile I'm surprised he's got anything left inside!!

I'm due to have a little inspection / clean tonight so of course will add lots more for him. I assume his lordship would like that pile removed??
He's a clever boy :-) I suspect he has learned that if he doesn't chuck out the smelly bedding himself, then someone will invade his house! They can be very industrious and he is settling in and making it his own. He has probably dragged a load of clean bedding in there and chucked out anything he doesn't want.

I was going to say I don't spot clean the nest area at all! Providing they don't pee in it. You don't need to worry about poops. They are not really dirty or smelly - they are like little hard seeds and sometimes they eat them :-) Which is normal. They have two stomachs and can redigest nutrients from their poops. It's nature's way of helping them to survive food shortages in the wild. I tend to ignore poops unless there start to be quite a few throughout the cage and then you can just pick some out.

They sometimes store some poops with their hoard. Our first hamster actually used to poop in his food bowl if it was empty :ROFLMAO: It was so funny to watch. He would pouch all the food then turn round and poop in the bowl. Presumably to make sure there were emergency supplies. It was a very small food dish that was part of a totally unsuitable first cage!

So if they don't pee in the nest, I leave it alone and leave their hoard alone. Until I come to do a substrate change (and with 6" or more of bedding I only do that about every 3 to 6 months). At that time, I "prune" the hoard from the bottom, taking out the older food and leaving the newer food on top so there is always some of their hoard left. But I leave the nest alone. Hamsters just refurbish it themselves. And it looks like Chum is starting to do that.
Thank you!

Have woken up this morning and it looks like hes pulled a load of bedding OUT of the house in a big pile in front of door?

View attachment 9536

He's not done that before??

Its made his house tip a bit! He's fast asleep somewhere in there Im assuming but due to be cleaned out tonight. Is he just being industrious??
Our male Syrian did that periodically and it was always a mild shock to walk into the room like normal and see this massive bedding pile outside the enclosure. Doesn't happen often, but they do sometimes renovate! Chum is a cutie!
Did a little nest inspection yesterday - i put his travel carrier in the cage when he was asleep and then I looked in the eve and he had hopped in ready to go haha!

Removed the bedding he had pulled out - I couldn't feel any dampness so just removed some poos and add more bedding back and straightened his house back up

I didnt add the trixie wheel yet as i didnt want it to be too much at once and also I think i need to try and fix to bars - BUT I think i might try and get the new cage this week while PAH have the offer on so I might just fix straight to that.
I love that he hops into his pet carrier :) Already he is trained to use a "taxi" :) This will make taming etc easier as time goes on.

Keep us posted what you decide to do.