Hamster running round the cage in circles


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I have noticed that Ham Solo has started running around his cage in circles. He is not using his wheel anymore. Is this normal hamster behaviour or is it something I should have to try and change.
That sounds like he might be a bit stressed. Has anything changed recently?
No loud noises going on? Or moving his cage to a new location? Or clean outs? I hope he settles down. Try offering him a tasty treat and some out of cage time maybe.
Agree observe him when he is not in his cage does he seem stressed or if the circles are large maybe he is frantically looking for something dont want to scare you but when my elderly dog began with fits the going in circles was what she did while the fit lasted then she stopped and was completely normal until the next time they got more frequent
Ah it was probably the noise then. What is an air stone? Sorry I don’t know much about fish 😊
It blows bubbles, but the flow shouldn't be very strong or loud. A external pump and plastic tube send the air current into the aquarium and the stone diffuses the air into finer bubbles rather than big bloops that would stir up the substrate.
I had a look last night and he's still running round in circles. I saw some calming spray and wipes from the pet shop. I was wondering if it would work?
Is the fish tank still noisy? I personally wouldn't use calming spray and wipes if they have any scent as that could make things worse.

Have you checked his wheel is spinning ok and checked he has water in his bottle and it's coming out ok. Sometimes they are trying to get our attention when something is wrong.
Socks enjoys drinking from his bottle. I bought a new one, but it dripped so much all the water was gone by evening. I went back to using his original bottle and buried a small bowl under his bottle spout to prevent drips from leaving a damp patch in the bedding. If you get a good bottle, they can be a great way to provide water. I rinse my bottles out with very hot water and change the water twice a day, using filtered water as lime builds up in the spout a bit in hard water areas.
Hmm. Not good if he puts bedding in his water bowl. Is it on top of the substrate? A water bowl ideally needs to be on a platform or house roof, and in an area where he can't fall in it or tip it over. I use these water bottles - they don't leak and they usually let water out well without dripping a lot, but with any water bottle, you need to check it daily to ensure it's letting water out, by tapping the spout each day to check. With the bowl, the water needs changing every day as well.

It has a little clip to attach to bars, so you can have the bottle inside the cage (instead of putting the spout through the bars) and it's easy to lift out of the clip at refilling time.

Ferplast Drinky 75ml
It wouldn't normally no. How is he now? Is he still doing it? No other pets in the room?
Do you have a video of him doing it? What sort of time of day/night does it start?

Have you tried having him out of the cage? Are there any air fresheners or other scented things in the room?