Heavy breathing with mouth open and lack of movement

I'm glad to hear he's come round from it a bit. Yes you don't want him to get too cold either :) If the room temperature is right now he won't need any cooling aids.

I'm not sure what to suggest for shaking and energy levels, other than maybe just healthy supplements and the odd tasty treat. Hemp seeds are good for health and immunity as contain all the vitamins and minerals needed. Hamsters seem to like them and just lick them up. Maybe a pinch on a separate dish daily. I tiny bit of banana would be a nice treat for him - nothing scientific here but bananas are supposed to help with energy which is why tennis players eat them between changing sides :-) And just some nice treat like a bit of baby food or porridge on a teaspoon maybe, that he'd enjoy and it would distract him a bit from feeling off.

He is bound to be a bit low in energy after an ordeal and a vet trip so maybe just give him chance to adjust a bit as well.

I was asking how old he is - I couldn't see any mention of it :-)
When I got them they said he was 3 months old but he looked a bit older (this was 5 months ago) so he’s about a year old most likely.ooohhh okok I’ll try finding hemp seeds when I go out next,and I’ll try the banana too.thank you so much for the advice!!
For general shakiness and lethargy, something sugary might help - maybe some drops of sugar water or a bit of honey. It's probably the stress but it's also possible he might have low blood sugar if he got a bit too chilled.

If he's a year old, then he's not old and should recover well. Just keep an eye on him. I'd avoid doing any cleaning out for now - anything that might be stressful for him.
Hey everyone, I just wanted to say thank you for the help but my hamster did pass away today around 5 am
I am so sorry. You must be heartbroken - you did everything you could. I suspect Daisy was correct about the congestive heart failure symptoms - and that is sadly something a hamster can be born with a genetic predisposition to. Big hugs to you 🫂 He knew he was loved.
Hey everyone, I just wanted to say thank you for the help but my hamster did pass away today around 5 am
I'm so sorry, you tried so hard and he deteriorated so quickly. Sending comforting thoughts. It may be that he had a respiratory infection, which can prove fatal in a very short space of time. You were such a great carer for him. So sad.
So sorry to read your hamster has passed away, you acted very quickly and did everything you could. He was clearly dearly loved, sending comforting wishes. 🌈