Help please!


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Yesterday, i noticed that there was a bit of redness around his eyes, and today it has gotten slightly worse. Does anyone know what is up with my hamster, and any suggestions? Do i have to bring it to the vet? Is this serious?

Im quite worried because his other eye looks completely fine....1000044496.jpg
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I don't know what it could be, others might, but I would suggest going to the vets, it's best to get it checked.
Hello and welcome. There seems to be crustiness around the eye as well. He will need to see a vet as it might be an infection and they can prescribe antibiotics. If it's not an infection they can diagnose what it is and find the right treatment :-) It does look a bit sore and uncomfortable for him and anything to do with eyes needs to be treated reasonably quickly. Do you have a vet near you? An exotic vet is better for hamsters, if possible.
Hi there, hope your little Hams eye is no worse and you’ve been able to find a vet to take a look and advise on treatment? Wishing him well.