Introducing Biscuit

It's just something I read about elsewhere with the Niteangel houses. It's slightly annoying not being able to use the roof to put things on - it might be fine if you did but it's supposed to be safer without.

I hope she comes out again soon! Whenever mine move into a new house there is lots of banging and scratching noises at first!
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It can take them a few days to adjust after things have been moved, but hopefully you won't need to again now :) Adding new things is usually accepted well as long as everything isn't changed at the same time. Eg adding a cork log she would like I think - but it's all money!
Yes I have ordered one of those .. it’s funny how much I want this hammy to be happy but I can’t buy anything else ! There is a lot of nice stuff around 😃
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I know it can add up. My basics are house, cork log and wheel - but when you’ve had to buy a cage as well it can get expensive.
Hi , I have noticed tonight one of her nails on her paw is quite red and a bit swollen .. she seems to be walking ok .. but it looks like she may have injured herself somehow .. any idea what it could be ?
It could be an infected nail. Unless there is anything in the cage she could have caught it on? Any bendy stick bridges with gaps in eg? Have a look to see if there's anything in her enclosure that she could have caught it on. An infected nail sometimes just gets better on its own but keep an eye on it. If it gets worse she might need antibiotics.
From the last photo of your set up, I can't see anything really she could have caught a foot on.
By the way you have a couple of gorgeous photos of her in this thread :-) Maybe you'd like to add one to this month's photo competition.

There is a bendy bridge but I when I checked there wasn’t any gaps , I also put some moss on just in case .. I will take it out to be sure …thanks for your help
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I popped into the vets today as I live close by and they also said to keep an eye on it . It looks like one her nails came off and she has a hole .. I am hoping it will heal quickly … maybe this is why she isn’t out much . Poor little thing . I read it can happen if the nails get too long and I should maybe clip them down .. no idea how I can do that as she hand tamed yet . My son did pick her up for a few mins but we are taking it slowly ..
They only tend to get too long when they’re older so it’s not usually an issue with young Syrians. It does sound like she’s caught it on something for it to come off. Hmm.
Just looking at the photo again - is that an acrylic sand bath at the back with a ladder going into it? It looks like the ladder might have slots in is that right? Ladders with gaps can be an issue. If it does have gaps you can just glue a piece of cardboard or wood behind the ladder so the holes just become gradations - if that makes sense.
yes you could be right as she was in the sand bath the other day .. that is a buscaststate one so I thought it would be very safe as I know they are a good company .. would I need a non toxic glue ?
Is it this one? I can see it does have some slits in the ladder. Yes unfortunately even manufacturers who generally make good hamster things, can have the odd product that has a safety issue. Rodipet and Getzoo are probably the most reliable in that respect. I'm not aware of any of their hamster products that have any issues. You could use Elmer's school glue :-) But avoid getting any glue behind the open bits, just on the solid bits. Although actually a better option might be to glue cork onto the top of it. That would cover the gaps and also make an easy surface to climb up. Looking at it she might even have caught the nail where the ladder slots into the roof as there are tiny gaps there. I think if it was me I would just not use the roof and the ladder and have some other access into the sand bath. A bendy bridge maybe, or these Niteangel bridges are designed for sandbath entry but they're not cheap!

And it might not be tall enough to clear the sides of the sand bath. Is the sand bath supported underneath? They can be quite heavy with sand in, if tunnelled under (ie it could press down on the hamster if tunnelled under). If not then one option could be to have it in an area where there's a lower level of bedding and it could just sit on the base of the cage - then she could climb in and out from substrate level - as it would be partly submerged - if that makes sense - with just a small bridge inside it to give a leg up!

Niteangel bridge

Sand bath

Sand bath.jpg
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Thanks for your help , yes it’s on a platform but I think I will move it so it’s in the shallow part of the enclosure. I put some bedding on the top of her wheel to see if she uses it in the night and it looks like she has as it’s fallen down . We don’t really see her at night so I am hoping she is coming out to play still ..she came out for a little bit yesterday and her nail looked a bit better .. will check it later ….she doesn’t mind being stroked so I am hoping she is starting ti trust us ! Good news is last I took her potty tray out of her house and she is going to the toilet in there again 😃
That all sounds great :-) Clever Biscuit, using her potty. I think she'll soon be rummaging out and about or even wanting to come out of the cage. It's great she lets you stroke her.