My hamster is ill and i dont know why

Food - I know it can be difficult finding good hamster food mixes in some countries. Can you get Harry Hamster or Hazel hamster? That is sold in a lot of countries. It contains everything needed and is sugar free. If you let us know what mixes are available we can suggest one :-)
update to the whole rhing my mom refused to take my hamster to the vet and due to where i live it isnt really possible for me to walk anywhere or leave the house without her permission i will put my time into making him as comfortable and happy as possible. thank you all for your help
Thank you for updating is. I am very sorry to hear your Mum does not agree to a vet visit. I wish you and your hamster all the best. Please feel free to post on here as much as you wish to.
I'm so sorry to hear your last update. Hopefully some of the other members on here might be able to give you some advice on how to make your hamster more comfortable. Please keep us updated if you have time and want to.
The main thing is to avoid stress. Hamsters get stressed easily and that can make them unwell. So if you have plenty of nice cosy bedding and a few hides and don't clean him out too often, and he has a good wheel and diet, that is a good start to keeping him comfortable. Little things can perk them up too. They can enjoy the occasional healthy treat - human leftovers or a tiny bit of porridge oats on a teaspoon. With human leftovers it needs to be plain cooked, no sauces or spices etc. Eg a tiny bit of chicken or meat occasionally. Or a bit of scrambled or hard boiled egg. This is also supplementing the protein they need in the first year to build strong bones and muscles.