My Omlet cage arrived


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So my omlet arrived. My first impression is it feels big!

It is also very well made. Took me 45 minutes to put together.

I measured between the plexiglass panels where I want my bedding to sit, it measured 86x56 giving 4816cm2 of unbroken floor area. The wheel attaching to the bars also gives me more space in the cage that a freestanding wheel.

The door is a much bigger improvement than on the current cage and I can actually get my hand in.

With the cage too taken off there is still an edge around the cage making spot cleaning far easier for a very curious Winter White.

I am surprised to say, I actually love it!98A20A58-668C-4E81-912D-76FFC9BAA199.jpeg
That was quick! It is well designed isn't it :-) I think 56cm deep might be correct. I veered cautiously at 55.5 as my tape measure wasn't easy to read and hold in the right place. The external measurement is supposed to be 56 - but the perspex sits RIGHT at the very edge of the cage base - so it probably is 56cm inside and out, bar a couple of mm possibly :-) I was also impressed with the wheel attaching to the bars and the quality of the wheel.

I think it's deceptive to look at. People looking at a front view photo may say - not big enough - because it's not 100cm wide/long. But the depth balances that out and the design of the perspex going right up to the edge. And the depth doesn't show from a front view.

I'm sure your winter white will love it :-) And you get a free multiroom house! I was so impressed with those.
As I am having a debate on a hamster forum with a very upset group of people, here is the comparison of the “base measurement” of the savic plaza 100. I would just like to say I don’t believe this is unbroken floor space which should be measured at the height of the bedding as this is where the hamster will run around. The reason for the 5000cm2 in the evidence was given that hamsters run up to 9km a night. This is not on the base of the cage.

J The base measurement of the savic Plaza is 90.5x38cm giving 3439cm2. The measurements are measured on the outside.

The base measurement of the omlet is 76x45.5 giving 3458.

The measurement between the plexiglass of is 86x56 giving 4816cm2.IMG_1664.jpegIMG_1663.jpeg
We don't go with base measurements here. All barred cages will have sloping bases but the floor area for the hamster is the area at the top of the bedding, where they live and run around and where their environment is. Some people can get very nit picky about sloping cage bases.

There will also be some people who will say a cage should be 100 x 50 dimensions (like the Savic Plaza). But really it's about the square inches/cms of floor space, regardless of the dimensions.

You might be flogging a dead horse trying to convince some people elsewhere on the internet :-)
We don't go with base measurements here. All barred cages will have sloping bases but the floor area for the hamster is the area at the top of the bedding, where they live and run around and where their environment is. Some people can get very nit picky about sloping cage bases.

There will also be some people who will say a cage should be 100 x 50 dimensions (like the Savic Plaza). But really it's about the square inches/cms of floor space, regardless of the dimensions.

You might be flogging a dead horse trying to convince some people elsewhere on the internet :-)
Haha I totally understand about unbroken floor space and I totally agree! However, if there was anyone reading this that has the same opinion as those on most of the Fb forums, I feel that a direct comparison to the Savic Plaza 100, which shows the Omlet actually has a wider surface area whichever way you look at it is useful! It also makes me feel better in my decision to keep the cage 🤣
It does feel very spacious doesn't it? I think it will look bigger once bedding is in as well and you can see how much can be fitted in.
I can't wait to see your set up in it :-)
I will be looking to set it up tomorrow afternoon with my boyfriend. I’m on nights tonight so this was not an option :(.

I will certainly post pics as soon as it’s done!!

I transferred pumpkin today, he seemed a little stressed at first. I managed to preserve his nest and stash by lifting the multichamber hides out with cardboard underneath. I’ve tried my best to keep everything in the same place. I have some ledges coming tomorrow too to have a look at and see if I want to add them!

He seemed to settle fairly quickly when he found his nest was u touched and in the same place!
It looks great :-) I'm sure he'll settle in the next few days with everything the same and familiar smelling :-) I'm looking forward to seeing him on the wheel :)
£135.20 for the cage and I added an additional shelf and ladder for £25 and a bowl for 5.50.

This was with the 20% off deal which has ended now. There is a 15% off code, Sep15 which brings it to £150 plus 7.50 delivery.
Ah so they have another deal now then :)
I woke up at 0430 this morning and checked Pumpkin’s camera to find him frantically running around the Omlet. He then started climbing across the roof. He was very stressed :(

I went in and sat by the cage. To my amazement he came straight up to the front and sat with me. I fed him a treat and popped my hand in. I thought he would run away like my Syrians when they’re stressed.

I was very surprised when he hopped in to my hand and just sat on it!

I realised his wheel looked squeaky clean. Normally by 2 nights of use it would show signs of use. So I thought maybe he doesn’t realise it’s there. I gently popped him on it. He sat for a bit, looked around and then went to jump down. He realised it moved. Turned around and started running. The new bigger wheel seemed a bit of a challenge at first and he fell off a couple of times.

An hour later he’s running on it like usual. I think he hadn’t realised it was there 🤣

Really amazed how I seemed to be a source of comfort for him too! I love this little boy 🥰
Aw, gorgeous! You two are friends alright! Hamsters are amazing ❤️
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Aw he probably was a bit stressed with the changes but it's so lovely he came and sat on your hand :-) I've heard winter whites are very friendly and it must have been heart warming to be trusted like that. Higgins didn't discover his wheel until the second night either ha ha.

Glad he has found his wheel now :-) The shelves and ladders look nice - I'd be a little bit concerned about the left one being quite so high actually, in case he decides to jump off. I tend to cover things like bendy bridges with hemp mat, if they can be fallen on. Or if they can only fall on substrate, they have a soft landing :)
Aw he probably was a bit stressed with the changes but it's so lovely he came and sat on your hand :-) I've heard winter whites are very friendly and it must have been heart warming to be trusted like that. Higgins didn't discover his wheel until the second night either ha ha.

Glad he has found his wheel now :-) The shelves and ladders look nice - I'd be a little bit concerned about the left one being quite so high actually, in case he decides to jump off. I tend to cover things like bendy bridges with hemp mat, if they can be fallen on. Or if they can only fall on substrate, they have a soft landing :)
Great point! I put that shelf in to reduce the height from falling from the top, didn’t think about that though! I did check its 25cm to fall, but I didn’t think about what was underneath! I’ll get that bendy bridge covered! Thanks Maz!
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25cm isn't that far then :-) It's hard to tell from the photo, but I'm just quite paranoid about things like that and it was with my robo I covered the bendy bridges with hemp mat. Hopefully he won't climb to the roof again now he's discovered his wheel!

Shelves can be tricky. On the one hand they mean a hamster can't fall too far and they give overhead cover. On the other hand if they happen to get to the roof and monkey bar across it, it's quite a drop in the middle maybe onto a ladder. So I used to stick hemp mat on ladders as well - just with a dab of plastikote on the back.

If the substrate is deeper right through, it reduces the height - but then there might not be room for the shelves. Or they might still fit but without the ladders and just bendy bridge access eg.

Or you could leave the shelves as they are and put perspex inside the bars above the shelves so the hamster can't get a foothold. But that could be fiddly and expensive. I'm just thinking out loud here! I'd just be a bit concerned about the drop from the roof in the centre.

But he may not bother now he's found his wheel :-)