New 120cm Plaza cage

I just went right through the checkout process and it came up with this - so it's not deliverable yet.

Savic 120.jpg
Perhaps it wouldnt have worked when I added an email address. What a shame as lots would order it.
I went right through the checkout process putting in email, address and everything (I would have stopped at payment!) but the above notice came up. It's positve though as it suggests other stores will be stocking it. Savic said PAH should have it at some point - which could mean now or in a few months. Sometimes cages are with wholesalers (who won't sell to the general public) before they get into pet shops that do sell to the public, so if it's in one pet shop it's likely to be in others soon - hopefully!

Agree the price is good! I expected it to be about £150.
That’s my local pet shop, by local I mean less than 20 miles away! Haven’t been there for ages & am quite surprised to see them stocking it, pleasantly surprised. Unfortunately I can’t get over there to check it out at the moment.
Only a couple of hours drive from me. No space or hamster who needs one currently but definitely one to keep in mind. I'm also pleasantly surprised by the price.
I wonder what it will be called - if they're both called Plaza it could be confusing when searching if the only difference is size. Unless one is going to be called XL and one XXL.
The floor area is bigger than that of a detolf :-) Savic Plaza about 1,170 square inches. Detolf about 1085 square inches.
I really hope this cage will become more widely available soon! I don't currently have a hamster (have 2 at rainbow Bridge) who both loved the original plaza (maple june 2020- mar 2022 and charmander june 2022-mar 2023) but when our time comes to be hammie parents again I so want the bigger version 🙈
I really hope this cage will become more widely available soon! I don't currently have a hamster (have 2 at rainbow Bridge) who both loved the original plaza (maple june 2020- mar 2022 and charmander june 2022-mar 2023) but when our time comes to be hammie parents again I so want the bigger version 🙈
Welcome to the forum Em93. It is lovely to have you here. I am sorry for the loss of Maple and Charmander.
I really hope this cage will become more widely available soon! I don't currently have a hamster (have 2 at rainbow Bridge) who both loved the original plaza (maple june 2020- mar 2022 and charmander june 2022-mar 2023) but when our time comes to be hammie parents again I so want the bigger version 🙈
So sorry to hear you have two at the rainbow bridge. Yes it is great there is a 120cm cage with hamster bar spacing. For years so many people have found it frustrating that the only 120cm cages had huge bar spacing and needed meshing. Actually there was one from Germany a few years ago called the Borneo - but that's no longer available.
Well it still isn't in stock at Pets at Home yet! And it's nearly October. Tip I was given was to look out for it at PAH in September. I hope PAH didn't decide to opt for all those Ferplast Multipla cages instead and ignore the Savic Plaza! But there is still time I guess ..................

It's still available at Zoar's Ark in Wales for £114 - but pallet shipping only which is about £50!
It would be great if it was available on Amazon especially for people who want to avoid pet shops. I wonder what the hold up is.
Me too ha ha. I think it's quite a big pet store though. With most new cages they seem to start with somewhere obscure as a main stockist before they get into the mainstream. I can't remember which cage it was I was looking for before many years ago, but it was only available at Bruno's parrot store! Which apparently is a wholesaler as well as a pet shop. I remember being told at the time that things always start there and then get to more mainstream stores. I don't think that one exists any more. The website is there but links don't seem to do much.
Me too ha ha. I think it's quite a big pet store though. With most new cages they seem to start with somewhere obscure as a main stockist before they get into the mainstream. I can't remember which cage it was I was looking for before many years ago, but it was only available at Bruno's parrot store! Which apparently is a wholesaler as well as a pet shop. I remember being told at the time that things always start there and then get to more mainstream stores. I don't think that one exists any more. The website is there but links don't seem to do much.
I wonder if approaching small local pet shops to see if they could source it would work 🤔 Teddy is happy in his original plaza currently but I do dream of owning the 120 one day! 🤣